米兰体育报:Moratti warns Mancini (莫拉蒂警告曼奇尼)
Moratti warns Mancini"Mutual trust or goodbye"
Moratti sets his conditions: "I don't like to talk about probabilities. I really appreciate what he has done because it hasn't been easy for him. But let's set things straight. The hit of the centennial? No to Gerrard, Lampard will depend on how the final turns out. And Adriano is back"
Inter president Massimo Moratti at the San Siro party. Lapresse
MILAN, 19 May 2008 - Ernesto Paolillo, Inter managing director thinks that "There is an 80% chance that Mancini will stay." But Massimo Moratti, interviewed on "Politica nel pallone" on GrParlamento, doesn't like to speculate and doesn't want to talk about probabilities: "We need to get together, discuss all we have in mind and decide whether it's worthwhile to renew our mutual trust or it's better to find another option."
ENGLISH HEADLINES - English tabloids continue to publish the alleged agreement between Mancini and Chelsea. Moratti did not wish to comment on the future of Inter manager. "I have a deep affection for him", said Moratti. "I really appreciate what he has done here because it hasn't been easy for him. He kept so many things inside that could have been very bothersome, and I admire him a lot for that. No one likes to be trashed on the front page for certain things. But his career is a different matter." Moratti concluded: "My feeling? I don't like to talk about probabilities, I only think about the possibility of setting things clear. I think that would be the best for both of us."
HERE IS LAMPARD -No to Gerrard. Perhaps Lampard. Massimo Moratti talked about the market and the possible hit of the nerazzurro centennial. "I think it would be difficult to get Gerrard. However, in Lampard's case, that would depend on the outcome of the finals. He is a valuable player in his team Chelsea, but we could think about it... The centennial gift? Do you think I would ever get one? Rather than a gift, I am thinking of a necessity, of considering what the team needs."
ADRIANO BACK- When asked about Adriano, who had made this statement from Brazil: "I will be back in Italy in July, to make everyone see that I am a new person and to silence all my critics." "I think he is doing better", said Moratti. "He has had some good times, including the call to the national team. It looks like he is back to being the player he used to be, and that's worth considering. Could he come back to Inter? Yes."
谈到国米与曼奇尼的未来,莫拉蒂说:“从个人角度而言我很推崇他,也很同情他,媒体总是用一些令人厌恶的言论攻击他,被人指责肯定不是愉快的事,但是他坚持了下来,我很欣赏他这一点,对于他今后的工作,还是再等等吧,我的个人情感不能左右这件事。” 那么曼奇尼留任的希望是多大呢?莫拉蒂说:“我并不能说出有多少百分比,我只能说我们有几率达成一致,我相信最后的决定会令双方满意。”曼奇尼是否留任依然没有定论,据《TGCOM》披露,双方将在意大利当地世间周二进行洽谈,但是也有意大利媒体认为最后的去留谈判将在意大利杯之后,总而言之,曼奇尼是否留任将在本月内得出结论。
[ 本帖最后由 cjackj 于 2008-5-20 22:56 编辑 ] NND
都谬人顶? 楼主是自己翻译的吗?如果是自己翻译的,来icn。 呵呵,兰帕德?不需要了吧………………………… 曼奇尼自己想走,就让他走吧,他在这里压力大,不开心,再干下去也没什么意思,对彼此都不会有好处。干得好挨骂,干不好也挨骂,国米的主帅不是那么好当的,因为眼下这个特殊时刻,别的队夺冠可以得一百分,国米夺冠只能叫及格,因为在大多人心中,以国米在意甲的实力夺冠叫理所应当,不夺冠就是不正常。 原帖由 叶秋残 于 2008-5-20 22:07 发表 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif
曼奇尼自己想走,就让他走吧,他在这里压力大,不开心,再干下去也没什么意思,对彼此都不会有好处。干得好挨骂,干不好也挨骂,国米的主帅不是那么好当的,因为眼下这个特殊时刻,别的队夺冠可以得一百分,国米夺冠 ...
干得好挨骂,干不好也挨骂,不就是你在骂吗?你自己不骂不就完了吗 奇怪,楼上老针对我干嘛。我骂什么骂了,认为曼奇尼水平不足以将国米再提升一个境界了,只是一种客观评定,不是不认可他的贡献,我没你们那么极端,只分倒跟保,我支持他走,但不反感他,认为他完成使命就告一段落了。我在其他帖子里对国米的不满足是针对全队的,不是主教练一个人。国米夺冠可喜,但过程体现出来的不成熟让我不满,上面说了,以国米的实力夺冠是应该的,但被人逼到悬崖边了才夺冠只能打个及格分。
回复 3# 的帖子
算了哦英文水平不是很好 原帖由 王凯102 于 2008-5-20 22:09 发表 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif
貌似你俩的观点也差不太多~~~ 。。。 怎么发个帖子 就这么多人出来争啊。。。