http://www.goal.com/en/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=797624Moratti Imposter Makes Stankovic Cry
An imposter pretending to be Inter president Massimo Moratti caused Dejan Stankovic to shed a few tears according to CHI magazine.
The Serbian doesn’t appear to be a part of Jose Mourinho’s plans for the new season, and he was reecntly linked with a move to bitter rivals Juventus. That move, so far, has not happened, leading to new questions about the player’s future.
Chi Magazine claims that Massimo Moratti, albeit a “fake” one, called up Stankovic while he was relaxing on a beach in Italy’s Forte village.
It is believed the Serbian was told “You are no longer a part of the club and the team,” by the joker and witnesses claim that the midfielder began to cry upon hearing the bad news.
It wasn’t long before Stankovic’s phone rang again with the charlatan revealing that it was all a big joke, leaving the player somewhat confused.
It was later revealed that the “pretend Moratti” was in fact one of Italy’s best comedian’s, Fiorello.
Nevertheless, it made Stankovic shed some tears as he genuinely believed the prankster, having, of course, no idea it was a joke at first.
挺有意思的消息,转一下... 太恶劣了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 哪位帅哥儿给翻译翻译啊…我看懂了标题,别的就…… 意大利人就喜欢干这些事情,去年欧冠16强罗马打皇马的时候不是有人假扮凯奇的嘛。
PS:咱国米就喜欢干这种屁事,忠心耿耿的都他妈的卖了,刺头、干儿子都他妈的流下来,什么世道~~ Fiorello个大JR!!! 坦克是个好人。忠诚的人。希望能融入球队。 忠诚的好人,可惜已经能力不行了。。。如果愿意降薪的话,留着吧。。。。 坦克啊
其实我还是蛮喜欢他的 我竟然看懂了。。。不厚道啊。。。不能这么耍人家。。。我估计他是在国米高薪给养的能力低下的