InterShine 发表于 2008-9-22 20:08:46


zhaoxueqian 发表于 2008-9-22 20:24:42

原帖由 李瑞源 于 2008-9-22 13:14 发表

为什么删减我的话,我说的是最有效的一脚,PLEASE ANSWER ME!

梦回北看台 发表于 2008-9-22 22:13:15

我选小馒头,毕竞这是他在国米 的第一次

黑lee 发表于 2008-9-23 01:52:26

李瑞源 发表于 2008-9-23 02:48:00




塞萨尔:6.5 - 比赛中也不是太忙碌,但是最后10-15分钟他不断做出世界级的扑救,让主队未能实现奇迹般的逆转。

麦孔:7.0 - 巴西右后卫延续了自己如日中天的状态,打进一粒精彩世界波,无论进攻防守都令人称道。

布尔迪索:6.0 - 表现不错,但比赛临近结束前都灵的大举压上让他也有些慌乱,上半时则很好的限制住了主队的进攻。

马特拉齐:6.0 - 与他的中卫搭档表现类似,完成了自己的职责,没有太明显的失误。
齐沃:5.0 - 伤愈后的首场比赛中,罗马尼亚国脚没有令人眼前一亮的表现,看起来还没有完全找到比赛感觉。对于都灵的进球他应该做得更好。
萨内蒂:5.5 - 国米队长今天的表现相对沉寂,但是和他的大部分队友一样,踢得中规中矩。表现出良好的职业素养,为了球队的胜利付出了巨大努力。

维埃拉:6.0 - 当比赛还处于均势时,法国人控制了中场。前45分钟他将对手中场的影响力限制到了最小。
坎比亚索:6.0 - 与队长一样,坎比亚索默默的完成了任务,表现令人放心。

小曼奇尼:7.5 - 巴西边锋再次发挥出色,在穆里尼奥的手下不断取得进步。第一球是他的射门被对方球员挡入自己大门,伊布的进球则是来自于他美妙的过顶传球。

伊布拉希莫维奇:6.5 - 花了一点时间才找到比赛节奏,蓝黑军团也随着他一道进入状态。上半时很努力但没有收获,下半时冷静的单刀破门让塞雷尼无能为力。
阿德里亚诺:7.0 - 上周中冠军联赛中的优异表现让阿德赢得了首发的机会,他很好的加以了利用。比赛中非常卖力,显示出他仍然有取得成功的渴望。一次漂亮的传球最终导致了麦孔的破门。

[ 本帖最后由 李瑞源 于 2008-9-23 02:52 编辑 ]

李瑞源 发表于 2008-9-23 02:59:23



Julio Cesar – 6.5: Wasn’t called upon all that often this match, however in the final 10-15 minutes, he pulled off a whole host of world class saves to deny the home side of a miracle come back.

Maicon – 7.0: Another great performance from the Brazilian right back, as he continued his stellar form this season. Scored an absolute wonder goal, following an impressive Inter build-up, and did well to work hard as per usual at both ends of the park.

Burdisso – 6.0: Fairly solid performance today by one half of the Inter centre-back partnership. He was not required all that much, however he did struggle a little towards the end of the match, when Toro surged forward in numbers. Did extremely well in the first half to minimize the impact of the Torino attackers.  

Materazzi – 6.0: Very similar to his defensive partner, it was a solid outing for Matrix today. Did what he had to, when called upon, and didn’t really put a foot wrong, or make any howling mistakes.

Zanetti – 5.5: A relatively quiet performance today from the Inter captain, however similar to many of his team mates, he failed to put a foot wrong, and did his job. It was a professional performance from Zanetti today, who worked hard and did all he could to ensure that his team were successful on the day.

Chivu – 5.0: In his first match back from injury, the Romanian failed to have any major impact on proceedings. He certainly looks to be lacking in match fitness, although it still was a positive return to top-flight football nonetheless. Could have done more to prevent the Torino goal.

Vieira – 6.0: When the game was in the balance, the Frenchman was the man to control the midfield early on. He completely minimized the impact that the Torino midfielders had in the opening forty-five minutes, and should be commended on a solid performance.

Cambiasso – 6.0: Similar to his captain, Cambiasso went about his business quietly today, and failed to put a foot wrong all match. He worked hard at both ends of the field, and was reliable all match.

Mancini – 7.5: Another scintillating performance from the Brazilian winger, who continues to improve under Mourinho. Formed one-third of the attacking trident today, and was responsible for setting up the own-goal, and the Ibrahimovic goal, following a glorious chip into the Swede’s path.

Ibrahimovic – 6.5: Took a while to impose himself in this match, but when he did, the Nerazzurri lifted a notch. He worked hard for no results in the first half, but was awarded with a goal in the second, confidently slotting it past Sereni who had no chance.

Adriano – 7.0: His Champions League performance last week was rewarded with a spot in the starting eleven today, and he certainly took full advantage of that. He fought hard all match, showing that he still has a desire to succeed at the highest level. He also managed to set up the Maicon goal, with a superb through ball.

Subs: Quaresma 5.5, Balotelli 6.0, Cruz N/A


blu4ank 发表于 2008-9-23 08:10:21


chen191988 发表于 2008-9-23 08:40:55

源是不是马甲  好像平时不是这样的

蓝黑司令 发表于 2008-9-23 09:05:38


枫丹蓝露 发表于 2008-9-23 09:47:03

原帖由 蓝黑司令 于 2008-9-23 09:05 发表
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