shin1908 发表于 2009-6-1 03:11:40


本帖最后由 shin1908 于 2009-6-1 03:14 编辑

We won the championship a few weeks ago and we can say part of thatthe great excitement is probably in the past, but today, out of respectfor Dr Moratti and the families of the three workers who lost theirlives at work, we immediately agreed that it should be party with aslightly different significance," said the Inter coach. "We have wonthe championship and we're going on holiday now, but tomorrow isanother day and we have to forget about this victory already and lookto the future."

”我们几个星期前就赢得了冠军,我们可以说一部分伟大的成就可能是以前取得的,但是今天,出于对莫拉蒂博士及3个死亡员工的家属(是哪三个?俺不知道)的尊重,我们都同意这是个具有一点不同意义的庆典。“国米教练说。 “我们已经赢得冠军,现在即将开始假期,但是为了明天我们要忘记已经取得的成就,展望未来。”

Thiago Motta and Milito will be two new faces at Inter next season."Inter have won in recent years," said Mourinho. "It's a team that wonbefore I arrived and that knows the taste of victory, and wants totaste it again. The president and the club are ambitious. The fans havehad to wait many years to celebrate. Me, Branca, Oriali and the clubhave realised that we needed to make a few changes to win again nextyear. I'm very sorry to see Figo and Crespo leave, but this isfootball. You have to make decisions, look to the future and makechoices with the maximum quality at the base.
"Milito has experience and he can improve our team, because thechampionship will be even harder next year and we want to get furtherin the Champions League."


When asked if Ibrahimovic will be at Inter next season, Mourinhoreplied: "We want ‘Ibra’ to play alongside Milito. He has shown again that heis a fundamental player for the Inter project; he is decisive for us.He took another step in his career with Inter today by winning the topscorers' title. Like the president and the whole club, he knows thatInter will improve with the new players."

当被问到IB可能离开国米时,穆里尼奥回答:“ 我们希望他能和米利托搭档踢球。他已经再次展现了他是国际米兰计划中中流砥柱的球员;他对我们是决定性的。通过赢得射手榜头名,他在国米的职业生涯又向前迈进了一步。就像主席和整个球队一样,他知道国米将会在新球员的帮助下提升自己的实力”

shin1908 发表于 2009-6-1 03:18:22


shin1908 发表于 2009-6-1 05:23:34


ryaninter 发表于 2009-6-1 06:34:52

lz 早上好~~

弱弱 的  问一下。。

c9  哪里 让  鸟  不爽了?~~

shin1908 发表于 2009-6-1 06:57:51


Sancruz 发表于 2009-6-1 07:16:55


伤心小箭 发表于 2009-6-1 07:31:41


shin1908 发表于 2009-6-1 07:43:01


sxw_inter 发表于 2009-6-1 08:02:09


易剑 发表于 2009-6-1 08:15:41

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