darcy27 发表于 2009-6-16 17:22:22


Goal.com Summer Shopping: Who Should Inter Buy?
Goal.com's transfer special series comes to focus on the champions of Italy...

            Julio Cesar

Maicon   Carvalho   Samuel   Santon

     Zanetti   Motta   Cambiasso


        Ibrahimovic   Aguero

Subs: Toldo, Chivu, Maxwell, Muntari, Deco, Balotelli, Milito.

Orlandoni, Burdisso, Cordoba, Stankovic, Jimenez, Obinna, Cruz.

IN (4):

Ricardo Carvalho (Chelsea): The Portuguese found himself out of fitness and th
en out of favour at Stamford Bridge this season. Alex looks to have usurped hi
m as partner to John Terry and, as much as new coach Carlo Ancelotti loves his
old defenders, the lure of Jose Mourinho may take his old favourite to San Si
ro to shore up Inter's defensive options.

Elano (Manchester City): Was a star signing for Manchester City and without do
ubt their best player, and then there were the Sheikhs. Granted, Elano isn't t
he most consistent player in the world, but his magical creative sense could  
be just what Inter need, and fitting in as the trequartista in a team already
so filled with industry, he would have full license to maximise his potential.

Deco (Chelsea): Another Portuguese international, another one of Jose Mourinho
's old friends from Porto, and another who has found himself out of favour at
the Bridge. It was never really a fit for him in his advancing years, while In
ter - a proposed destination for him last summer - would provide the right sta
ge for him to play out his twilight years.

Sergio Aguero (Atletico Madrid): Inter could, in theory, have their pick of se
veral of the world's best strikers that are for sale this summer. Samuel Eto'o
, though, looks like being lured by Man City riches, while  David Villa would
prefer to stay in Spain and Carlos Tevez in England. Sergio Aguero, meanwhile,
wants to go to Barcelona but is unlikely to be so lucky. Father-in-law, natio
nal team coach and footballing demigod, Diego Maradona, has expressed a desire
for him to play at Inter, and so he might. His incredible pace, skill and goa
lscoring instinct could be invaluable in Italy, and provide a much more suitab
le partner for Ibrahimovic than the prolific but unfancied Diego Milito.

OUT (7):

Nelson Rivas - The brutal defender may well be at the bottom of the pecking or
der and pushed off the edge to make way for Ricardo Carvalho. He has his stren
gths - mainly, his strength - but is the least technically adept of Inter's de
fensive options.

Patrick Vieira - A legend of French football, Vieira is now a shadow of his fo
rmer self. Abandoned by his fitness, he doesn't offer enough to the industry d
emanded of any Jose Mourinho midfield and will most likely head back to France

Olivier Dacourt - Having spent the latter half of the season on loan at Fulham
, it is clear that Mourinho believes Dacourt to be surplus to requirements at
San Siro, thus the experienced battler will be available for any takers in the
summer, with Thiago Motta having been confirmed as a replacement of sorts.

Amantino Mancini - Roma are still laughing from the money made on this deal. M
ourinho's 4-3-3 just wasn't a fit in Italy and Mancini just wasn't a fit at In
ter. He has never been the most consistent customer and could find himself off
loaded to any mid-table club in Serie A or even going abroad.

Ricardo Quaresma - Like Mancini, but worse. With Quaresma came the promise and
the fanfare, but his failures were exactly the same. He spent the second half
of the season on loan at Chelsea and barely even played. Something isn't righ
t with the Portuguese winger, though heading to a smaller club in Genoa, he ma
y recapture some of his best form again. Who knows?

Robert Acquafresca - The Azzurri prospect may also be heading to Genoa - or an
y club of similar size - either permanently or as part of yet another co-owner
ship deal. The young striker perhaps doesn't have the standout quality to succ
eed at the highest level, and Mourinho probably knows it.

David Suazo - Hasn't had the happiest of times on loan at Benfica and again, d
oesn't appear to be a man in the mould of Mourinho and will most likely find h
imself on the move again. He can still perform - very well, at that - but need
s to find consistency, probably at a lower level than the that of the Nerazzur

darcy27 发表于 2009-6-16 17:23:52

本帖最后由 darcy27 于 2009-6-16 17:30 编辑


麦孔  卡瓦略   萨穆埃尔  桑顿
   萨内蒂   莫塔  坎比亚索

       伊布    阿奎罗


埃拉诺(曼城) :他毫无疑问是曼城所签球星中最好的球员,然后有酋长。当然,埃拉诺不是世界上最稳定的球员,但他的魔幻般的创新意识可能正是国米需要的,作为球队的前腰,他将有充分的空间,以最大限度地发挥自己的潜能。

德科(切尔西) :另一个葡萄牙的国际球星,另一个来自波尔图的穆里尼奥的老朋友 ,另一个在斯坦福桥失宠的球员。这些年他过的不太顺利,而国际米兰(去年夏天他本可能来这里的)将给他提供一个发挥职业生涯最后能量的舞台。

塞尔吉奥阿圭罗(马德里竞技) :从理论上说,今年夏天国米可以从几个世界上最好的前锋挑选一个。埃托奥更可能去曼城,大卫比利亚宁愿留在西班牙而特维斯愿意留在英格兰。塞尔吉奥阿圭罗同时也希望去巴塞罗那,但他不可能这么幸运了。他的岳父、国家队教练和足球之神马拉多纳已经表示希望他为国米效力,因此他可能(去国米)。他惊人的速度、技巧和得分能力在意大利将是无价的;作为他的搭档,伊布要比多产却不高效的迭戈米利托更合适。



奥利维达科特 -后半赛季他租借到了富勒姆,很显然,穆里尼奥认为达科特不在他的阵容中了。因此这名经验丰富的老将夏天很可能去一家中小俱乐部。莫塔将成为他的替代者。



阿夸弗雷斯卡 -意大利新星可能也会前往热那亚,或者任何类似规模的俱乐部,或成为与其他俱乐部共有球员交易的一部分。这位年轻的前锋也许没有突出的能力去成为最优秀的球员,而穆里尼奥也知道这一点。


卡萨诺 发表于 2009-6-16 17:24:13

Bull shit。

dongxuhao 发表于 2009-6-16 17:27:36


darcy27 发表于 2009-6-16 17:28:46


卡萨诺 发表于 2009-6-16 17:30:56


darcy27 发表于 2009-6-16 17:33:59

卡萨诺 发表于 2009-6-16 17:30 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif


我也觉得蒙塔里的实力不错 可能(仅仅是可能)比队长更有机会打主力
其实阵容不是一尘不变的 球员的实际表现也会决定阵容的更替
阵容中给的替补阵容是分了两行的  这两行有区别 所以我觉得总体上还是靠谱的

shin1908 发表于 2009-6-16 17:41:29


dong_zhaohua 发表于 2009-6-16 18:05:04

假设这是真的话   莫塔跟米利托也是引进的人啊   那这样我们一队的人员还是多   进了6人   走了7人
另外  不相信阿奎罗会来

interwinall 发表于 2009-6-16 18:10:44

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