本帖最后由 李瑞源 于 2009-7-15 03:57 编辑克鲁斯加入拉齐奥
如果超级杯能够出场,我相信迎接他的是全场的掌声 Hours are decisive for the future of Julio Cruz: Lazio is constantly pressing sull'attaccante Argentine, the offer is made to get those essential, 2 million per season for a two-year agreement, but the final was no sign of arriving. There are those who ensure that Atletico Madrid has been added in the last few hours trying to convince the player to move to Spain, but on this indiscretion there is no reliable. What results, and that from Forte dei Marmi, Cruz, on holiday with his family has confided to close friends: 'It is true, I could go and play in Melbourne, we'll see ... " 这可真是悲喜交加呢 到时绝对欢迎...... 我还准备让他在百年画册上千名~
不过他都没来美国 悲剧啊。。。 世事啊。。。 真的是悲剧! 唉 还是我们亏待了园丁 希望他能在超级杯上出场 既然已经这样,迎接他的将会是现场热烈的掌声`