Thiago Motta:“里皮,给我打电话”更新里皮冷对莫塔热情
本帖最后由 cjackj 于 2009-8-21 12:42 编辑INTER, Thiago Motta: "Lippi, calls me"
10:40| Redazione TMW | read 19
To La Gazzetta dello Sport microphones, Inter midfielder Thiago Motta speaks about his future for the National team, and he told to Marcello Lippi: "My blood is Italian, here because today between Brazil and Italy I would choose Lippi. If arrives the call-up of National team, I will not have doubts to answer Yes".
Thiago Motta 在接受La Gazzetta dello Sport 采访时谈论如果里皮给他打电话,招他加入意大利国家队,他会告诉里皮: “我是意大利人后裔,今天如果让我选择巴西和意大利,我会选择意大利。如果里皮通知我加入意大利国家队,我不会犹豫的选择加入。” 他非常憧憬未来的国家队集训。
Italy coach Lippi: Motta no, Amauri yes21.08.09 |
Italy coach Marcello Lippi has ruled out calling up Inter Milan midfielder Thiago Motta, though Juventus striker Amauri is under consideration.
“It’s great that there are players such as Motta so adamant to play for our team,” confessed Lippi.
“But I don’t want a team made with players like him because I don’t feel it is right.
“For Amauri though it is a bit different since we have been
呵呵,什么毫不犹豫加入意大利都是托辞!如果巴西要他他还会加入意大利么?和阿毛里一样入不了黄衫军,退而求其次去蓝衣军!不过意大利人连阿毛里都接受不了,会要一个莫塔么? 好的,那样我们的本土化算是稍微有点点效果. MOTTA还可以进意大利国籍~~~!!!!
我 OUT了! 进国家队!对外面有好处~巴西人才太多!意大利早已经阳痿了 ~ 现在才发现MOTTA这个姓氏确实有点意大利味道。 邓加招过阿毛里的,当时阿毛里有伤没去。
莫塔么,里皮还不知道会不会招。 标题啊~...我就觉得...我早上看原文时 是说如果里皮给我打电话~我会毫不犹豫接受....结果就被改成这么个标题了...楼主强大 莫塔能进意大利是大好事啊~~
可以多一份本土化了 。。。。。。
是如果里皮给他打电话好吧 是YY。、、、、、、、LZ 你个标题党