流浪的小鱼 发表于 2009-9-8 20:23:14

17/06/2008 - Tuttosport - L’Inter accelera sul nuovo stadio «La Juventus ora è un esempio»
Paolillo: «Progetto in 5 anni, è un investimento che si ripaga da solo»

cjackj 发表于 2009-9-8 20:14 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif
17/06/2008 - Tuttosport - Inter accelerates the new stadium, "Juventus is now an example"
Paolillo: "Project in 5 years, is an investment that pays for itself"

PORTOFINO. The idea is not just a foretaste, as early as August of 2004, captivated by the St. Jakob Park in Basel, Massimo Moratti
People had promised him that someday Nerazzurri would build a stadium all for Inter. Mrs. Milly, wife of the patron, had also spoken of the subject to Mario Botta, if class architect who restored La Scala, obtaining an unconditional yes to ( "For the king Moratti may be working at night") but - eventually -- , this never came to anything. This time however it seems that good with words so well combine the facts, since it is now clear how our society in the absence of income data from a stage property can not stand the competition with the big foreign clubs za. Massimo Moratti has also spies Annex to the audience of sponsors, rose for the annual workshop of the company in place que'm perched in the hills above Portofino. Nono given the climate of the cloister, the words of the tooth taken, accompanied by his wife Milly and bile dall'insepara Lillo, (wonderful dog but a little annoying) is to go out loud and clear to pre-listen: "To develop a so CIET calcium necessary to build a new stadium, which represented the king feels that it is stable for a firm chin. " CAs istics? Simply said: "It must be a place where you can offer services of all kinds, should not be too large to attract lost it so they can affe-ent to your place and have the pleasure of going there. To build the stadium is an important goal and we are studying with atten tion.
MODEL JUVE paradoxical paradoxically, for a change in the db, as well as abroad, look for even in Turin, where the pro ject of a facility pro property has already become reality: "Our goal - he explains to Ernesto Paolillo , Administrative Managing Director of the club - is constructed in no less than 5 years and not more than eight. E 'in an investment that pays for itself alone is enough to see what has been done by Arsenal and Juventus that selling the stadium name and the sky boxes have already funded the construc tion of new equipment. What do the San Siro? It is not our problem, we already have so many questions to be risol true. Rather, thanks to the god's property until you reach the balanced bi launch.

EXPO NERAZZURRA? Among the locations under consideration ( "We need to find an area with the roads already prepared to receive him and the tana nearby cities) we would also know the one where Mr. ge Expo. In this regard it would be something already Muo sell the idea would be to co reconstructing a plant 60-65 thousand seats near Pero, the cost of 400 million coper you to 80 percent by investment funds and banks and The remainder is from Moratti. The winning project was selected among the proposals of the best architecture firms in the world, with advice from the "Sports Inve stment Group, specialized companies compete in the creation and development of major sports arenas.

Excellent beyond AC accelerator on this stage, Inter took advantage of the workshop to illustrate all its excellence and pro jets to come. Exceeded the Milan as the number of typhoid is now the club's Palace Duri ni na We will start the assault with the opening of the new king in Beijing and I'm Nanton (the latter-wish of the Chinese government), the Near East (summer camp in Egypt and soccer academy in Dubai and Abu Dhabi) and the U.S. (coast to coast Inter Village concurrently major youth tournaments), "We think in terms of verses from all other companies," concluded Moratti . Bizzochi machi than proof? The tour of the cent nario in embassies and do documentaries on the activities of the Inter Campus realized by Gabriele Salvatores in August that will be presented to fe boots Locarno. By the way, in addition to the nth Campus in South America, next aper ture in Uganda, Angola, Romania.

fandiancarl 发表于 2009-9-8 20:23:57

阿告别漫长4年。然后,整个2012-13赛季,将离开圣西罗发挥新工厂将建成由Pero的地区,该地区致力于博览会,两站之间放置在新的地铁线。一种必然选择,保持在欧洲的大俱乐部,拥有从体育场难以想象收入由精神指导下,“体育投资集团,公司在建立和发展大型体育场馆,专门编写了新的草案证明, 。在2006-07年度,前4个意大利公司的营业额(AC米兰,国际米兰,罗马和尤文图斯)不抵制与相应的(利物浦,阿森纳,切尔西和曼联。)的能力,产生的收入:72500.0万英俱乐部的比较欧元对1061。以往,有3.36亿美元的差距。我们正光年背后的体育场(-350万美元)和商业机构(-142万美元)的收入。电视的权利,但该数字使人们有理由为156000000意大利球队。这种情况可能恶化,尽管尤文图斯回到很大程度是在2010年集体出售的结果。预见到了至少500亿欧元的庞然大物英文范围:不能让这一级的竞争,除非总统不以个人财产进行干预,因为他们在过去的莫拉蒂,贝鲁斯科尼和森西一样。
国际米兰想要做的更好地摆在海峡对岸的俱乐部的体育场,将像利物浦后认为,在该大厦启用。的设想后,将适用于由“体育投资集团”,推动各国在建筑世界上最好的球队该项目的最后选择。但是,你已经知道,国际米兰的一些商业原因,体育场的功能将获得赞助商(见考文垂理光),但将致力于莫拉蒂和法切蒂。项目背后的理念,使家庭比赛,并在每一个机会爆满:马西莫莫拉蒂的基本目标。同时,有能力,相当于60-65万个席位,由各方由于在田径跑道的情况下的最佳视角。该通知应包括,特别是:1)120-150天的35 MQ2,类似于在圣西罗,建成可容纳12人的观众,二)800 15 MQ2 -凉,更简朴的箱盒少容量比以前的三)3荣誉论坛水平的根据个性化的服务成本,4)餐馆80,目的是满足每一个需要和零用钱。还提供了4个餐厅,包括美食,和许多商店。在室内与奖杯室,博物馆和商品预留的空间相互作用的总部。由7-8万人外停车,应该足够的比赛日,而那些没有让那些来自西北谁米兰离开你的车,走地铁。

17/06/2008 -晚邮报- “一个只为国际米兰» superstadio

波托菲诺-不是在2013年之前,不迟于2016年。 “当'间达成一个平衡的预算。”也许在'地区氏博览会,其中已经有新的公平的Rho - Pero的,但它说,“因为我们有其他选择。”当然,在已经新城服务覆盖区域。报国际米兰寻找回家。很舒服,并欢迎在去年的朋友谁是很多的:超过9%的球迷'(AC米兰,据尼尔森研究报告),加上30首10天的销售量用户%,而到2007年。但即使是现金,“因为现在'国际米兰是,它不仅是一个企业。”因此,旧的体育场财产的梦想,所以经常珍惜,现在变得更清晰。他谈到了莫拉蒂主席期间在Portofino讲习班,观众听的时候也有一些赞助商谁分享第一人称的项目。摊位的问题,然后。由于“新体育场将承担我们的合作伙伴之一的名字,对已经发生在英国工厂的兵器库,报阿联酋。与圣西罗这将是不可能的。 “这是命名梅亚扎,是足球历史上,没有人能够永远改变名称,解释说:”'执行长埃内斯托保利洛。又会如何圣西罗球场,AC米兰将成为唯一的家,或将要再次? “坦白地说这不是我们的业务。”名称外,该公司已十分清楚国际米兰将成为新的家园。 “不是太大,因为我们希望它总是爆满。方便,交通便利:每个都会有固定营业场所“,是总统的说明。保利洛提请其他一些部分:“最重要的是,它不是作为为社区居民烦人的家伙。因此,我们将尽力改善疏导交通和装备体育场商店或服务,这是AC米兰在该领域的欠缺。即使是超市,如有必要。“该项目将完成,因为你不能再等下去,并氏节目的其他球队的例子,这是'走出红色的唯一途径。 “5年前不能做。一定要作出决定,关闭土地上的交易,获得许可。但我们不希望等待8年多-解释了'广告国际米兰-.我的工作是在外观和预算,届时,在'国际米兰将达到平价。当然,新的体育场将成本(有人说一点六零亿欧元),但是这不会成为问题。 “这是一个项目,支付,甚至为自己的速度比你的想法。再次,我们可以看看'阿森纳,而且尤文,它已经从赞助商票房收入的75%。在意大利,该公司是尤文图斯氏唯一曾经在舞台上的财产已经开始工作,新的阿尔卑球场,并已经签署了Sportfive贸易协定意味着75亿欧元的最低保证格式合同商业开采氏设施(转让权利的名称,联合管理50%的VIP包厢,创造一个高姿态公共关系论坛)。尤文图斯将准备在4至5年。首页报国际米兰不想迟到。

17/06/2008 -全体育-国际米兰加快了新球场,“尤文图斯现在是一个例子”

人答应他有一天国际米兰将建立跨一个体育场所有。米莉夫人,夫人的赞助人,也谈到了对马里奥博塔问题,如果一流的建筑师谁恢复斯卡拉,获得无条件肯定的(“对国王莫拉蒂可能会在夜间工作”),但-最终- ,这没有来任何东西。然而这一次,似乎文字结合良好,以及事实,因为它是我们现在已经清楚如何在收入数据的情况下社会从一个阶段的财产不能忍受杂志与国外大俱乐部的竞争。莫拉蒂还间谍附件的提案国的观众,为公司在上述波托菲诺的山上栖息的地方que'm年度讲习班上升。诺诺鉴于回廊气候,所采取的牙齿,他的妻子米莉和胆汁dall'insepara拉维亚斯利略,(伴随着美妙的狗说话,而是有点讨厌),是走出去大声并清晰地预听:“要发展,使CIET钙要建设一个新的体育场,它代表国王认为这是一个坚定的下巴稳定。“核证机关istics?简单地说:“它必须是一个地方,你可以提供各种服务,不应该太大,失去了它吸引,使他们能够affe战中,以你的位置,并有去那里的乐趣。要构建大球场是一个重要目标,我们正在与安泰信重刑学习。
型号尤文矛盾矛盾的是,在分贝的变化,以及在国外,寻找即使在都灵,那里的设施亲主语亲物业已经变成了现实:“我们的目标-他解释说,以埃内斯托保利洛,行政俱乐部总经理董事-是兴建不少于5年,不超过8人。 E在一个为自己投资仅支付'就足以看出了什么尤文图斯和阿森纳这样做,出售球场的名称和天空盒已经资助了新装备construc重刑。什么圣西罗?这不是我们的问题,我们已经有这么多问题要risol真实。相反,由于神的财产,直至达到平衡双向启动。


超出交流加速器优秀的这个阶段,国际米兰参加讲习班的优势,说明其所有优秀和有利于飞机来。超过了AC米兰作为伤寒总数现在是俱乐部的宫杜里にな我们将开始的新国王在北京开幕的攻击,我南通(在后者,我国政府希望),近东(在埃及和足球在迪拜和阿布扎比学院夏令营)和美国(东海岸到西海岸跨村兼任主要青年比赛),“我们在诗歌方面相信所有其他公司,”莫拉蒂结束。超过举证Bizzochi町?对校园间的活动,实现了由加布里埃萨尔瓦托雷斯8月将提交给菲靴子洛迦诺的大使馆百分之纳里尼奥旅游或纪录片。顺便说一下,除了在南美洲的第n个校区,在乌干达,安哥拉,罗马尼亚明年aper ture。

15/10/2008 -体育场馆和商务-国际米兰,从2012年告别圣西罗?

以往在国际米兰可能的新体育场米兰体育报。项目的方式由俱乐部拥有的体育场-根据米兰-在门口。好基金的资助,预计今年晚些时候,甚至12月初。然后,如果一切总是下坡,国际米兰圣西罗2012-2013赛季退休。新工厂将建根据许多线索在Rho - Pero(但在过去,曾经比克卡和如CADORNA,Rogoredo谈话),一个区域,邻近公路,吃地下(红线水平的)。有会站起来的奥林匹克体育场,如果他们进港米兰的2000.Il总统竞选游戏莫拉蒂想要避免了建立一个在沙漠中教堂,但在这一点-不管是地点的选择-可以帮助最近很多2015年世博会在米兰的分配。阿宫杜里尼你想想6万座位体育场,像植物dell'Ajax(阿姆斯特丹球场,“五星级”欧足联超过50,000个)和拜仁摩纳哥(安联球场,另一个“五颗星”从不到70,000观众)。特别是,它似乎是在对莫拉蒂,一个餐厅多功能的体育设施(从最好的自我服务,终止与传统的酒吧),购物区,甚至一个托儿所的男性参考巴伐利亚示范主页,您可以在“公园“的木偶在游戏中没有什么兴趣。进入区(在购买机票),大致可分为三类:为私营公司的箱子,并在贵宾区,为大型群众的球迷。去年6月,该报称,该项目的选择将是促进了'之间在建筑世界上最好的球队体育投资集团“。但是,你已经知道,国际米兰的一些商业原因,体育场的功能将获得赞助商(见考文垂理光),但将致力于莫拉蒂和法切蒂。出版法斯皮恰列洛

15/10/2008 -体育报-国际米兰圣西罗球场告别。莫拉蒂将采取阶段

到年底应该获得绿灯项目。该模型将成为安联球场,拜仁摩纳哥的家。新的60000个座位的多功能的体育设施必须具有可操作性,在2012年米兰,10月15日,2008年-莫拉蒂的人几乎肯定会在整个房子很大的变化。项目的方式由俱乐部拥有的球场实在是我们的。一切都已经研究和详细计划:没关系的资金,预计今年晚些时候,甚至12月初。然后,如果一切总是下坡,国际米兰圣西罗2012-2013赛季退休。模型-在哪里出生的新工厂仍是一个秘密守卫莫拉蒂嫉妒,但大多数迹象显示,面积Rho - Pero的,该地区靠近公路,吃地下(红线水平的)。有会站起来的奥林匹克体育场,如果他们进港米兰的2000年奥运会的候选资格了。莫拉蒂想要避免建立在沙漠教堂,但在这一点-不管是地点的选择-可以帮助很多的2015年世博会在米兰最近的合约。阿宫杜里尼你想想6万座位体育场,像植物dell'Ajax(阿姆斯特丹球场,“五星级”欧足联超过50,000个)和拜仁摩纳哥(安联球场,另一个“五颗星”从不到70,000观众)。特别是,它似乎是在对莫拉蒂,一个餐厅多功能的体育设施(从最好的自我服务,终止与传统的酒吧),购物区,甚至一个托儿所的男性参考巴伐利亚示范主页,您可以在“公园“的木偶在游戏中没有什么兴趣。进入区(在购买机票),大致可分为三类:为私营公司的箱子,并在贵宾区,为大型群众的球迷。通向罗马-与此同时,今天发现穆里尼奥伊布拉希莫维奇,齐沃和蒙塔里。奥宾纳是昨天在米兰。好消息到达从医务室:对罗姆人,马特拉齐和维埃拉周日晚上还可以继续坐在替补席上。米尔科格拉齐亚诺

流浪的小鱼 发表于 2009-9-8 20:24:33

15/10/2008 - Stadi & Business - Inter, addio a San Siro dal 2012?

Ritorna sul possibile nuovo stadio dell'Inter la Gazzetta dello Sport. Il via al progetto di uno stadio di proprietà del club è - ...
cjackj 发表于 2009-9-8 20:14 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif
15/10/2008 - Stadiums & Business - Inter, goodbye to San Siro from 2012?

Back on the possible new stadium Inter Gazzetta dello Sport. The way to project a stadium owned by the club is - according to the Gazzetta - at the gates. Okay the funding is expected later this year, perhaps even for early December. Then, if everything were always downhill, Inter San Siro retire from season 2012-2013. The new plant will be built according to many clues in Rho-Pero (but in the past there was talk of Bicocca and Rogoredo), an area close to highways and served well at the level of underground (red line). There would rise up the Olympic stadium if they went into port Milan's candidacy for the Games of 2000.Il president Massimo Moratti wants to avoid building a cathedral in the desert, but in this - regardless of the location choice - can help a lot of the recent allocation of Expo 2015 in Milan. A Palazzo Durini you think about a stadium of 60,000 seats, like plants dell'Ajax (Amsterdam ArenA, "five stars" Uefa, over 50,000 seats) and of Bayern Monaco (Allianz Arena, another "five stars" from just under 70,000 spectators). In particular, it seems the home of the Bavarian model of reference of the men of Massimo Moratti, a multipurpose facility with restaurants (from the finest self-service, ending with the classic pub), shopping area and even a nursery where you can " park "the puppets have little interest in the game. Areas of access (under the ticket purchased) are basically three: the boxes for private companies, the VIP area and that for large mass of fans. Last June, the paper reported that the choice of project will be promoted by 'Sports Investment Group "among the best teams in the world of architecture. But you already know that Inter some features of the stadium for commercial reasons will be entitled to a sponsor (see Ricoh in Coventry) but will be dedicated to Angelo Moratti and Giacinto Facchetti. Published by Franco Spicciariello

fandiancarl 发表于 2009-9-8 20:26:33


流浪的小鱼 发表于 2009-9-8 20:26:55

15/10/2008 - La Gazzetta dello Sport - Inter, addio a San Siro. Moratti si farà lo stadio

Entro la fine dell'anno dovrebbe arrivare il via libera al progetto. Il modello sarà l'Allianz Arena, la  ...
cjackj 发表于 2009-9-8 20:15 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif
15/10/2008 - La Gazzetta dello Sport - Inter, goodbye to San Siro. Moratti will take the stage

By the end of the year should get the green light to the project. The model will be the Allianz Arena, home of Bayern Monaco. The new 60,000-seat multipurpose facility should be operational in 2012 MILAN, October 15, 2008 - Massimo Moratti will almost certainly man of great change in the entire house. The way to project a stadium owned by the club is indeed upon us. Everything has already been studied and planned in detail: the okay to funding is expected later this year, perhaps even for early December. Then, if everything were always downhill, Inter San Siro retire from season 2012-2013. Models - Where to be born the new plant is still a secret guarded jealously by Moratti, though most signs point area Rho-Pero, the area close to highways and served well at the level of underground (red line). There would rise up the Olympic stadium if they went into port Milan's candidacy for the Games of 2000. Moratti wants to avoid building a cathedral in the desert, but in this - regardless of the location choice - can help a lot the recent awarding of Expo 2015 in Milan. A Palazzo Durini you think about a stadium of 60,000 seats, like plants dell'Ajax (Amsterdam ArenA, "five stars" Uefa, over 50,000 seats) and of Bayern Monaco (Allianz Arena, another "five stars" from just under 70,000 spectators). In particular, it seems the home of the Bavarian model of reference of the men of Massimo Moratti, a multipurpose facility with restaurants (from the finest self-service, ending with the classic pub), shopping area and even a nursery where you can " park "the puppets have little interest in the game. Areas of access (under the ticket purchased) are basically three: the boxes for private companies, the VIP area and that for large mass of fans. TOWARDS ROME - Meanwhile, today finds Mourinho Ibrahimovic, Chivu and Muntari. Obinna is in Milan yesterday. Good news arrives from the infirmary: Sunday night against Roma, Materazzi and Vieira could also go on the bench. Mirko Graziano

cjackj 发表于 2009-9-8 20:27:44

fandiancarl 发表于 2009-9-8 20:26 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif


fandiancarl 发表于 2009-9-8 20:30:07

cjackj 发表于 2009-9-8 20:27 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif

cjackj 发表于 2009-9-8 20:32:39

fandiancarl 发表于 2009-9-8 20:30 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif


fandiancarl 发表于 2009-9-8 20:39:18



17/06/2008 -全体育-国际米兰加快了新球场,“尤文图斯现在是一个例子”


suyi000 发表于 2009-9-8 20:59:26

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