赛前YY卢卡雷利帽子戏法虐AV,虽然没有成功虐也没戴帽子,不过昔日意甲金靴雄风不到,在巨人杀手科斯米的带领下,利沃诺客场被AV逼平了,我诺威武~!{:2_263:} {:2_257:}低调 低调 卢卡雷利和利若诺可是共产党的家伙~打肥料总理来劲~ 卢卡雷利和利若诺可是共产党的家伙~
国米地韩国饭 发表于 2010-2-1 00:39 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/images/common/back.gif
正解~! 里瓦斯也威武。
共产主义战士是不会被无耻肥料击倒的。 那主帅科斯米 一脸正气啊 哈哈 共产主义万岁 共产主义必将消灭右翼分子 “For sure my history in Italian football speaks for itself, but now finally I have managed to score in one of the great stadiums in the peninsula,” he declared to SkySport after the game.
“What makes it all the more sweet is the fact my effort contributed to an important result.
“As a boy I was an Inter fan. I probably won’t receive a message of thanks from coach Mourinho, but I hope he appreciated it."
“I’m sure that the goal is useful for him,” Lucarelli concluded. 卢卡雷利:我从小就是一个国际米兰球迷,可能我的这个进球不会收到穆里尼奥的感谢短信,但我希望他会喜欢。我肯定这个进球对他是有用的。