zszi 发表于 2010-3-31 15:49:56

Balotelli demands apology from Inter Milan boss Mourinho
30.03.10 | tribalfootball.com

Mario Balotelli is demanding an APOLOGY from Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho for him to end their feud.

La Stampa says Inter director Marco Branca met with Balotelli for 15 minutes yesterday in an attempt to end the rift. But Balotelli insisted it was not he who was in the wrong and amazingly wants Mourinho to apologise.

For the Special One, there is little chance of him conceding any ground to the 19 year-old.

Balotelli, it has been revealed, is also being egged on by his family and agent, Mino Raiola, who all believe it is Mourinho who is to blame for the dispute. The former Chelsea manager's public criticism of Balotelli's education and how he was raised has particularly infuriated his family.

zszi 发表于 2010-3-31 17:44:09

旧将誓为国米阻击罗马 转会红星称打强队就来劲
2010-03-31 16:58:59 来源: 网易体育  作者:春秋

zszi 发表于 2010-3-31 17:53:28


zszi 发表于 2010-4-1 14:22:26

埃托奥变身国米幕后英雄 猎豹甘为米利托当绿叶
2010-04-01 08:43 来源: 网易体育  作者:bearson










zszi 发表于 2010-4-1 14:23:17

国米变脸源自大场面先生 零价得4000万镇队宝
2010年04月01日08:19 腾讯体育 冷雪










zszi 发表于 2010-4-3 12:20:30

Mario Balotelli statement
Thursday, 01 April 2010 15:29:10

MILAN - "I am sorry for the situation that has been created recently. I am the first person who has suffered because I adore football and I want to play, and now I am waiting in silence so I can return to being useful to my team. I want to put the past behind me, look to the future and concentrate on the upcoming commitments and make myself ready." Mario Balotelli


zszi 发表于 2010-4-3 12:24:56

José Mourinho fan chat on Inter Channel
Thursday, 01 April 2010 16:08:02

APPIANO GENTILE - José Mourinho spent over thirty minutes talking to Roberto Scarpini about Inter's improved form in Europe, the Serie A title race and the tactical preparations for last night's CSKA clash in his latest fan chat with Inter Channel.

This is what he had to say:

Did you explain your recent Serie A touchline ban to your children?  
"I didn't explain it to my kids because at ten years old I don't want to ruin their passion for football."

Inter's progress in Europe has improved this season...
"Yesterday I tried to explain it to the players, and I don't think it's difficult to understand. Obviously our objective is to reach the semi-finals, and obviously if we reach the semi-finals our objective will then be to reach the final. But even if we don't succeed, Inter will already have won something important this season in Europe, which is no longer being scared of playing. It's a team that plays and wins. It's a team that beat a team like Chelsea. A team that has played under great stress. This is a team that is suited to playing in the Champions League now. We are having a very positive Champions League now. Inter will go into next season's Champions League as a seeded team. I think Inter's future in the Champions League will be completely different from its past in the last four or five seasons, and this is the merit of a group that knows how to live with this almost obsessive pressure of the press and the fans. We have won our three knockout games so far, and four consecutive Champions League games if we include the Rubin game at home. The team is having a very good Champions League but for now we want to get into the semi-finals."

Who will reach the semi-finals?
"It's always difficult. Lyon won 3-1 but it seems more like a French championship match. Manchester lost 2-1, we won, Barcelona obviously seem favourites after their 2-2 draw and we look favourites, but it's not enough. It's a real pity because we could have finished off the game yesterday and gone to Moscow with a completely different attitude, but unfortunately it wasn't possible. Nevertheless, we are 1-0 up at the halfway stage and we know how we want to play there. It will be on a synthetic pitch and the goalkeepers have practiced on one but the other players did light training. First we have to think about Saturday's match and then we travel to Moscow. But it won't be a problem. If our players played in the streets when they were little, they can certainly play on a synthetic pitch."

You once kissed the Inter badge during a press conference...
"I'm very proud to coach Inter and work for a club that I like, with a culture that I like, with fans who have lived some difficult years. I will always be very happy to say that I was once coach of Inter."

Your tactical preparations for yesterday's game against CSKA?
"Yesterday was my 78th, 79th Champions League match. I have a big experience in the Champions League and I really like this competition, in which you study your opponents and analyse their strengths and weaknesses. But it's the players who have to win on the pitch. Yesterday the players came out of the dressing room knowing they could have won 2-0 or 3-0. The team went on the pitch knowing that drawing 0-0 a Champions League match at home isn't a drama. How long does it take to prepare for a match? It depends on the team. Chelsea, for example, were a team I knew perfectly. But I saw the match at San Siro seven times because there were things I wanted to understand. We have people here who work very well. They provide me with the material required to analyse everything about our opponents. You have to be ready for everything. Yesterday, for example, we were expecting Gonzalez to start, but he was on the bench and Mamaev was on the pitch."

How will CSKA play in Moscow?
"I'm not expecting them to push and dominate from the first minute. They know they are 1-0 down, so I am expecting a balanced team. They have a young but balanced coach who is not emotional. I like his way of preparing his teams."

Can Roma catch up with you in Serie A?
"We're top of the table, we're in the semi-finals of the Coppa Italia, and we have won 1-0 the first match of our Champions League quarter-final. We're at the start of April and we can talk of a season that has been absolutely positive, fantastic. We aren't out of anything. But, there is still a month and a half to go and everything is still to be won or lost."

Is it a three-horse race in Serie A?
"I don't want to talk about the championship. It's not a three-horse race. It's a fight between one team and many other things."

You always seem sad, you never smile. What has happened?
"In the first match against Chelsea it was a bit like yesterday. I knew that we had won the first half and that there was still a second half to play. At Stamford Bridge I was the happiest man in the world, although I wanted to hide the emotion a bit. Last night I was satisfied with my team's victory. It's true that I don't feel at ease on the bench. I don't feel a free man. I don't feel that I can work with my philosophy. So for this reason we can say that I am not a happy man in Italian football at the moment. I'm happy at Inter, but not in Italian football."

Would ex-Inter star Youri Djorkaeff be in your starting eleven?
"I wasn't lucky enough to have him in his top years, but when I arrived at Chelsea he was at Bolton. He wasn't the top Djorkaeff but he was still an absolutely fantastic player. He had the magic, the creativity, everything. A bit like Sneijder in the way he gets the team playing. He also scored brilliant goals. But I wouldn't swap my Sneijder for anyone, because he has two excellent feet. His right foot is as good as his left. He's an extraordinary player with a fantastic conception of the team. He's not a phenomenon who wants to be a phenomenon. He's a phenomenon who wants his team to play and win. He's fantastic. He gets too many kicks and he should be protected. All the coaches complain about their top players getting kicked too much. Sir Alex asks for protection for Wayne, Real Madrid ask for protection for Ronaldo, Barcelona ask for protection for Messi, so we should ask for protection for Sneijder."

Tell us about Quaresma's form?
"My regret is that he doesn't play like he trains. He trains very very well but he's not showing his potential on the pitch. Yesterday, for example, I didn't put him on because we didn't need to make substitutions, but in a one-on-one situation he's the kind of player who can create problems for opponents."

zszi 发表于 2010-4-3 12:40:52

王勤伯:国米欧冠令意媒尴尬 穆帅沉默中酝酿爆发
2010-04-02 09:10:12 来自: 体坛周报










zszi 发表于 2010-4-3 12:52:27

本帖最后由 zszi 于 2010-4-3 12:53 编辑

Inter's Maicon Could Make Real Madrid Switch For Lassana Diarra Plus 10 Million - Report
By Cyrus C. Malek
Apr 2, 2010 5:08:00 PM
Italian football daily Il Corriere dello Sport is reporting that Real Madrid midfielder Lassana Diarra accompanied defender Sergio Ramos on his recent visit to Milan. But while Sergio Ramos reportedly met with Milan officials, Lass was thought to be in talks with officials from Inter.
As AS reports today, Madrid and Inter could negotiate a deal that would see Lass go to Italy in exchange for Brazilian right-back Maicon, with an additional 10 million lining the pockets of the Italian champions.
Despite a brilliant start to his first season with Los Blancos, the French midfielder is reportedly dissatisfied with his current state of affairs at the Santiago Bernabeu, feeling he has been replaced in the midfield by Xabi Alonso. He is also angry at having been substituted in the match against Sporting de Gijon at the Bernabeu, and having missed the team's lunch on Wednesday.
Lass has not played a match for Madrid since being substituted against Sporting on March 20. He has reportedly been out with a minor injury, but the press has continued to speculate.

zszi 发表于 2010-4-3 13:19:25

本帖最后由 zszi 于 2010-4-12 11:09 编辑

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