球迷在俄罗斯可以享受的优惠1 根据俄新社12月2日消息,俄罗斯足球协会总经理、俄申办委员会总经理阿列克谢索罗金表示:每位持有球票的球迷届时都将享有免签入境俄罗斯的待遇,当然包括中国球迷。
2 普京承诺,外国球迷在俄的旅途费用由俄罗斯政府全额承担。目前可以得到的解释是,当你持有球票或者相关凭证,即可随时搭乘前往俄罗斯的航班或者列车,到你落地为止,俄罗斯政府承担一切费用,并且俄罗斯警方不会追究你没有签证入境的责任,在各大城市之间辗转看球时也是免费搭乘各种交通工具。
Free transport
Mr Putin's promise to scrap visas for people in possession of tickets for the competition was seen as crucial to his country's prospects of winning the vote, as nationals of almost all countries outside the former Soviet Union must obtain permission to visit Russia.
There had been concerns that Russia's vast size, its remoteness from other countries and what is seen as a relatively weak transport system could make travelling around the country problematic.
All the host cities are in the European region of the country and Mr Putin has promised that fans will be able to travel on public transport for free during the event.
http://bbs.goalhi.com/1739363.html 老毛子威武!!!!!{:2_257:} 老毛子威武!!!!! 能否兑现成疑~
别忘了广州地铁。。 {:2_236:}V5~~~ 这个太骚了,伟大的天朝都不敢轻易尝试…… 迅速订票。。。。 优惠啊啊啊啊啊{:2_246:} 多半扯淡,这个消息干吗要由BBC来公布,何况俄罗斯远远没到那么富裕!! {:5_169:}