官网:Training: Maicon, injury to meniscus
Therapy for Maicon: the Brazilian, who yesterday and this morning did not work out with the group, was subjected to investigative tests by the Inter medical staff. They showed an injury to the medial meniscus of his right knee. The player, in accordance with the club, will undergo an operation in Brazil conducted by professor Jose Luis Runco, the doctor of the Brazilian national team and a long-time friend and collaborator of professor Franco Combi, Inter's chief of medical staff.
就算新买的乔纳森再猛,中后场右边路也必须补人了! 队长 长友 霍那森 桑顿 法拉 都可以打的 好像说3-4星期就可以 法老正好可以锻炼一下 现在343,只要两个边路就够了 相信到时候又是人满为患 不会吧,他怎么伤的啊! 嗯 昨晚看见这新闻了 貌似要手术啊 3、4个星期哪行啊? 如果是半月板手术一个月怎么可能好呢
那只能理解为一个月内手术做好 然后恢复 这下倒好 可以看看乔纳森 , 至于法拉奥还是在球队3球以上领先的情况下在上场吧 靠这么悲催啊,麦孔,我还指望他发威 少了麦子 进攻死气沉沉,推进十分艰难,后场倒得挺热闹,稍微向前 就开始传丢,失误了,哎