永远的射手 发表于 2006-4-7 13:18:39



真永远 发表于 2006-4-7 13:24:25

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-7 13:26:37编辑过]

雷克巴 发表于 2006-4-7 13:53:46


左路狂飙11 发表于 2006-4-7 14:37:04

<P>他抽的是什么烟啊 ?</P><P>传出了他想离开球队... 不会发生这种事的 我相信他</P>

mcjy 发表于 2006-4-7 14:44:11


h14_1985 发表于 2006-4-7 16:49:03


乱我不乱 发表于 2006-4-7 17:11:08

<P>I may quit, reveals Moratti Thursday 6 April, 2006
Inter owner Massimo Moratti says he could end his love affair with the club after being betrayed by the outfit yet again.</P><P>Moratti is seemingly becoming tired of continually being disappointed by the Nerazzurri after Tuesday’s shock Champions League exit to Villarreal.</P><P>It has now got to the point where Moratti, who already resigned as President in the past, is pondering quitting control of the club altogether after 11 years at the helm.</P><P>“Are there any pillars on which to build on? We’ll have to see, starting with myself,” said Moratti after pumping millions of pounds into the club with little return.</P><P>“We’ll now have to see if there is the desire and belief to continue moving into the future,” he continued.</P><P>After losing the Scudetto to Juventus in 2002 on that infamous May 5 afternoon, the 1-0 at Villarreal is another defeat which is likely to be continually remembered.</P><P>“The loss was unexpected and can’t really be explained,” continued Moratti on Thursday afternoon. “As a result, I have read and agreed with everything that has been written.</P><P>“It was a horrible game. The fans have the right to be angry, they travelled all that way to see what occurred out there.”</P><P>Inter’s Spanish siesta has led to reports that boss Roberto Mancini may be facing the axe, but Moratti is pointing the finger of blame elsewhere.</P><P>“He did what he could, but he was betrayed by his players,” he stated. “There are some who have done well this season, then there are those who have not.</P><P>“Juan Sebastian Veron? He put everything into it, what more could he have done? He may have made some mistakes, but so too did everyone else.</P><P>“Adriano? You journalists continue to indicate certain individuals who the team should be built on, but I don’t know who they are at Inter, starting with myself.” </P><P>在俱乐部又一次出局之后,国际米兰的老板马西莫·莫拉蒂可能会离开自己心爱的俱乐部。</P><P>在遭受蓝黑军团在冠军联赛被比利亚雷亚尔淘汰出局的打击之后,莫拉蒂对于俱乐部连续的糟糕表现已经很厌烦了。莫拉蒂已经从俱乐部主席的位置退了下来,在掌控了俱乐部11年以后,莫拉蒂现在正在考虑是不是彻底离开国际米兰。投入了数亿的资金,但是收获甚微。莫拉蒂说道:“球队有能指望的支柱吗?我们必须重新审视一下,从我自己开始。我们目前要权衡的是球队是不是有意愿和信心去面向未来。”</P><P>球队0:1输给比利亚雷亚尔,是继2002年5月5日将联赛冠军拱手相让给尤文图斯之后,又一个让人伤心的回忆。在星期三的下午,莫拉蒂继续说道:“那场失利很意外,不可解释。我接受已经发生的一切。那是一场伤心的比赛,球迷有理由愤怒,他们远道而来,观看比赛,但是结果让他们失望。”</P><P>国际米兰在西班牙的失利,也产生了主教练曼齐尼下课的传闻,但是莫拉蒂回避了这个问题。“他做了他应该做的,但是球员表现不好,在这个赛季,有些球员发挥很好,而有些则表现不尽人意。胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·贝隆?他为比赛贡献了一切,我们不能再要求他做什么了,他也许犯了一些错误,但是其他的球员也一样。 阿德里亚诺?年轻的小伙子继续展示了他是球队未来的基石,但是,从我起,谁将留在国际米兰还是未知数。”</P>

xynedved 发表于 2006-4-7 19:39:00


永远的射手 发表于 2006-4-7 20:19:35


interzj 发表于 2006-4-8 00:07:25

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