abenben 发表于 2006-9-6 10:18:23

<P>来自波兰朋友的怀念,</P><P>When I was in Bratislava last year for a game with Artmedia, I went to Giacinto and although he didn't speak english, I just said "photo" and it was all that I had to do. When I was leaving him, I said "Forza Inter", and he just smiled

You were one of a kind Il Presidente with Inter deep inside your heart. You will be never forgotten by nerazzurri fans!

kyo20003698 发表于 2006-9-7 11:06:54

<P>也许  当这秋雨过后 世间来的清凉  是主席带给我们的吧  看到他的照片  </P><P>忽然觉得很难过。。</P>

jarod9 发表于 2006-9-7 11:25:59


悠蓝炫黑 发表于 2006-9-7 16:14:13

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