denghaoran 发表于 2007-2-22 01:32:39


        一个是阿贾克斯的Wesley Sneijder,现在前一年里,我关注阿贾克斯的时候,看他的消息比较多的.感觉很不错的.很年轻,左中右都可以打,左右脚的技术也都很均匀,脚法细腻,任意球和远射很好,本个赛季他为球队进球也是很多的.F7走了以后,不仅少了一个边路传中手,更少了一个任意球得分的人.我相信他能补上的.估计价格在1000W欧元左右.


维斯利·斯奈德是天生的中场球员,双脚能力平均。他能创造进球机会,也有进球天赋。这位被交口称赞、来自阿贾克斯队青年队的球员对橙色军团可以说是功勋卓著。在 2004 年欧锦赛附加赛的第二阶段,他带领荷兰队以 6-0 大胜苏格兰队,这场比赛中他有一粒进球和三次助攻。斯奈德第一次出场是在 18 岁零 325 天的时候,比巴斯滕当年大两个星期。

出场次数 30
出场时间(分钟) 2550
进球数 9


赛季        俱乐部    出场数     入球
03-04     阿贾克斯     30          9
02-03     阿贾克斯     17          4

另外一位,是里斯本竞技的NANI,在我们同他们的冠军杯的小组赛的比赛,细心的人都应该发现,他在右路给我们制造了很大的麻烦. 右脚,不仅胜任右路,左路也是可以的.但是我关注葡萄牙联赛还是少一点,所以我没有他更加具体的消息,希望各位能补充.
路易斯·昆哈·纳尼 Luis Carlos Almeida da Cunha,Nani
性别: 男
国籍: 佛得角
出生日期: 1986年11月17日
身高: 178cm
体重: 76kg
场上位置: 中场
场上编号: 18
所属团队: 里斯本竞技

Nani fullname Luís Carlos Almeida da Cunha (b. 17 November 1986 in Amadora) is a Portuguese football (soccer) midfielder, currently plays for Sporting Clube de Portugal.

Football career
Nani start his career at Real Sport Clube de Massamá before joining Sporting Clube de Portugal youth system.

He has been tipped for his dribbling abilities which resemble those of Cristiano Ronaldo or Ricardo Quaresma (both of which also came from the Sporting Academy). Nani, who wears the number 18, scored 6 goals in the 2005/2006 season ( 5 league goals and 1 cup goal ). Though he has proven himself to be a very talented player he has yet to become a regular starter and usually is a substitute for Carlos Martins. He can play on both flanks in an attacking midfielder role, though his best position is at centre, making runs for the left wing. Nani played for the Portuguese U-21 side which took part in the U-21 Euro Championship 2006, together with his team mates Joao Moutinho and Custódio. Nani has just recently been called to the Portuguese National team for their games against Denmark and Finland (Euro 2008 Qualifier) and has played very well on both occations, even managing to hit the post in the game againt Denmark. He wears the number 32 on the Selecção and in the two games hes played, he has been a workhorse, always going after every loose ball and challenging deffenders. In the first two games of the Portuguese League Nani has scored on both occations. In the game vs Boavista FC Nani scored the first of 3 eventual Sporting goals, and in the game vs CD Nacional he scored the first and only goal in a 1-0 win for Sporting. Nani has signed a contract with sporting until 2010 with a buy out fee of 20 million euros and looks to have a very positive furture ahead of him. And given his recent form for both club and Nation team he may have more opportunities to prove himself to Luis Scolari and scouts around the world.

Matches played in the 2006/2007 season for Sporting: 2

Goals in the current 2006/2007 Portuguese League: 2

National Team appearances:
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-22 1:35:23编辑过]

wisetang 发表于 2007-2-22 02:20:55


夜メ星坠之魅 发表于 2007-2-22 04:50:29


苏亚雷斯 发表于 2007-2-22 09:50:20

<P>我觉得埃因霍温的 伊布拉希姆-阿费莱 不错,也是中场全能,非常年轻,左右脚均衡……</P><P>Ibrahim Afellay</P><P>国籍:荷兰
1986.04.02 出生于荷兰的乌德勒支(Utrecht)
身高:181cm     体重:68kg</P><P>十岁加入埃因霍温梯队</P><P>2003-2004赛季,出场2次</P><P>2004-2005赛季,出场7次,进2球</P><P>2005-2006赛季,出场23次,进2球</P><P>2006-2007赛季,出场19次,进4球</P>

ilint1908 发表于 2007-2-22 19:16:34

<P>其他队的我不熟  只看国米的我</P>

坚定与叛逆 发表于 2007-2-22 19:19:09

<P> F7接班人的事得尽早解决</P><P>ASAP</P><P>拖不得</P>

sjz风之子 发表于 2007-2-22 19:19:49


yezhu211 发表于 2007-2-22 19:20:08

<P>技术很重要</P><P>我感觉气质更重要</P><P>包括华金 戴斯勒都是不太成功的典型</P>

toldointer 发表于 2007-2-22 22:29:42


denghaoran 发表于 2007-2-23 11:00:52

<P>佛得角是中非的一个国家   曾经有500年的时间是葡萄牙的殖民地.</P>
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