瘦钟馗 发表于 2007-7-1 22:53:03


<P>After weekend the Christian Chivu he will be a player of the Inter. To the Rome 14 million euro more the co-ownership will go than Obinna The games are made. Battered Barcelona and Real Madrid. Monday or to the maximum tuesday Cristian Chivu will be a player of the Inter. The Rumanian and the Becali siblings will be please to you. More moneies for all, also for the Rome. Approximately 14 more million the co-ownership than Obinna, player whom it appeals to to Luciano Spalletti. After the weekend therefore Massimo Moratti and Rosella Senses s'incontreranno in order to close this long one telenovela. Chivu will sign a four-year one gives approximately 4 million and to season half, irrenounceable offer for the unapproachable player and from Barcelona, than it does not consider the romanista defender, words of Beguiristain, a top-Player. While the Real Madrid, last arrived in the negotiation on explicit demand for the technical neo Schuster, prefers not to put out of order the festivity. Nothing more auctions therefore Roberto Mancini will have a new one centers them above all defensive, fundamental in the girone of Champions, where Burdisso and Cordoba are disqualified. One telenovela from the lieto fine: the Rome has had all Pizarro and has monetizzato to the maximum a player in contract expiration in 2008. The Inter, after the Suazo blow, can continue in the preparation of a super-team that can prevail also in Europe.   </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-1 22:53:33编辑过]

sjz风之子 发表于 2007-7-2 12:16:19


mvp1121 发表于 2007-7-2 12:26:09


地下丝绒 发表于 2007-7-2 15:10:19


Ammon 发表于 2007-7-2 17:13:15


ksall 发表于 2007-7-2 21:09:03

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