
标题: 世界杯32强口号出炉:荷兰直指金杯 韩国神话未完 [打印本页]

作者: 天帝    时间: 2006-5-11 15:58:05     标题: 世界杯32强口号出炉:荷兰直指金杯 韩国神话未完

  东道主德国队用“我们代表足球”(We are football)这一简单的口号反映自己夺冠的决心。他们的死敌荷兰则用“橙色军团在金杯之路上”(orange on the road to gold)表明了夺冠信心。
      98年冠军法国队为了怀念世界杯的创始人、原国际足联(FIFA)主席、法国人儒勒斯-雷米特(Jules Rimet),因此打出了“自由、平等、儒勒斯-雷米特(Liberte,Egalite,Jules Rimet)”的口号。

神话尚未结束,韩国团结一心”(Never-ending legend,united Korea)。
  瑞士队的口号颇有新意,由于瑞士是钟表之国,因此他们的口号是“2006,瑞士的时间”(2006,It's Swiss o'clock),表达了瑞士队在德国世界杯上大放异彩的信心。
  多哥队打出的口号是“对胜利的激情与对成功的渴望”(A passion to win and a thirst to succeed)。
  安哥拉:angola lead the way,our team is our people
  阿根廷:get up,argentina are on the move
  澳大利亚:australia's socceroos-bound for glory
  巴西:vehicle monitored by 180 million brazilian hearts
  哥斯达黎加:our army is the team,our weapon is the ball,let's get to germany and give it our all
  德国:we are football
  厄瓜多尔:ecuador my life,football my passion,the cup my goal
  科特迪瓦:come on the elephants!win the cup in style
  英格兰:one nation,one trophy,eleven lions
  法国:liberate,egalite,jules rimet!
  加纳:go black stars,the stars of our world
  伊朗:stars of persia

意大利:blue pride,italy in our hearts
  日本:light up your samurai spirit!(点燃你的武士精神)
  克罗地亚:to the finals with fire in our hearts

墨西哥:aztec passion across the world
  荷兰:orange on the road to gold
  巴拉圭:from the heart of america...this is the guad-ani spirit
  波兰:white and red,dangerous and brave
  葡萄牙: with a flag in the window and a nation on the pitch,forca portugal
  韩国: never-ending legend,united korea
  沙特: the green hawks cannot be stopped
  瑞典:fight!show spirit!come on!you have the support of everyone!
  瑞士:2006,it's swiss o'clock!
  塞黑:for the love of the game
  西班牙:spain,one country,one goal
  多哥:a passion to win and a thirst to succeed
  特立尼达和多巴哥: here come the soca warriors-the fighting spirit of the caribbean
  捷克共和国:belief and a lion's strength,for victory and our fans
  突尼斯:the carthage eagles...higher and stronger than ever
  美国:united we play,united we win
  乌克兰:with our support,ukraine cannot fail to win!
作者: dukhilu    时间: 2006-5-11 18:40:36

作者: DJP    时间: 2006-5-11 19:30:12


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