
标题: 哪位英语大虾来帮帮小弟啊??? [打印本页]

作者: h14_1985    时间: 2006-9-26 17:47:15     标题: 哪位英语大虾来帮帮小弟啊???

The Adman Cometh
At long last, advertising legend and restaurateur Jerry Della Femina brings a version of his namesake Hamptons hangout to Manhattan.
By Hal Rubenstein
Back in the sixties, while traveling cross-country, I spit out the first bite of a burger bagged in Yuma, Arizona. The patty was covered in mustard. "What is this?" I asked the girl behind the counter. "How come this has ketchup and mustard?" She looked at me as if I'd asked whether Cher's exotic beauty was really the result of genetics: "What do you mean? That's the way the burger comes." "Not in New York," I replied. "Well," she said, "you're not in New York now, baby, are you?"
If a name as globally branded as McDonald's finds it necessary to make adjustments according to territory, can any restaurant pick itself up and drop itself somewhere else with no alterations? Della Femina, just opened in midtown, is deliberately designed to transport Jerry Della Femina's regulars back to Long Island's South Fork, home of his original eponymous restaurant. However, for those of us who find both relief and pride in not being able to recognize more than three of the caricatures of Della Femina's East Hamptonian regulars hanging behind the bar, this is nowhere we want to be beamed to. Though now is the perfect time to insert them, I must regrettably refrain from making summer-in-the-Hamptons jokes, not because they're too easy but because they always carry a whiff of snarky bitterness about them, like George Stephanopoulos's smug assessments of the Clintons. And I have nothing against Mr. Della Femina . . .
. . . Other than the fact that I can't stand the décor of his Manhattan dining space. Except for the series of spectacular sheaflike sconces that ring the room, here is a textbook example of everything that city folk do wrong when they get their hands on a beach house -- equating pale Sheetrock, sisal carpeting, and beige monochromatism with "paring down" in their efforts to evoke the simple life. But this is not at one with the beach. It's just dull. Then again, perhaps incorporating real seaside hues, like those found in azure skies, midnight-blue water, lavender-to-vermilion sunsets, and a hundred shades of green, might throw Della Femina's current white-bread-and-butter patrons for a loop, considering they seem to be under the impression that it's always "Two-for-One Khakis Night." Forget Water Mill -- this would be a stiff bunch for Kennebunkport.
So what do I have for Mr. Della Femina? A deep bow of admiration for being able to put together an attentive, thoroughly seasoned, and charming staff in record time. And I've a much bigger and almost embarrassingly voracious gimme-more appreciation of his chef Kevin Penner, who, unlike Femina's designer, knows the seductive difference between sparseness-posing-as-style and clarity.
The journey back into town must suit him, for Penner's plates exhibit enormous confidence. Rare is the extraneous taste or visual that begs for attention. What's called poached-lobster salad is, in fact, a deceptively tasteful, hockey-puck-size concentration of avocado, mango, Sevruga, greens, and expertly poached lobster that, when pierced by a fork, expands with unexpected, feisty heartiness. The same delicate balance of just enough big flavors enhances a diver scallop with beets and citrus-ginger vinaigrette; briny fresh crabmeat bathing in a smooth chilled cucumber soup; a dangerously dense risotto of morels, black truffles, and asparagus bound by Parmesan; and a tongue-lashing tartare of Hawaiian tuna with a fiery wakame salad and Japanese horseradish. Another critic recently wrote that he was tempted to eat the "fish sticks" of Dover sole in a caviar rémoulade with his fingers. You'd be a fool not to. And you'd be a fool to offer someone else a bite. Aside from his luscious seared foie gras that shouldn't have to choose between a banana pancake and roasted pineapple, Kevin Penner is at one with my hunger pangs.
His day-boat halibut deserves to be a signature dish, especially when its succulent torn-silk texture is dragged through both a delicious wild-mushroom broth and a luxuriantly dense potato purée. The wild striped bass is more burnished and elegant, sweetened by a lovely tomato confit and garlic sauce. Roasted langoustines, a bit mushy one night, fine the next, benefit from a pungent and insistent black-truffle-and-lobster sauce. There are beauteous garnets of Colorado lamb, begging for more black olive in the herb sauce; tasty roasted-chicken confit with a superb wild-mushroom-and-potato egg roll; a surprisingly uncumbersome saddle of grilled rabbit in a strong ragout of bacon and bok choy; and a cowboy rib eye that had better be this good -- at 42 smackers for a slab of beef, this is another form of mad-cow disease.
One dessert, the chocolate box, is as sluggish as the weekend driver behind the wheel of his Range Rover, the box too high, the Valrhona pudding too faint, and the buttermilk impossible to get to. It would be best if the chef imagined chocolate for someone in Gucci stilettos, not Top-Siders. Otherwise, the cool, breath-freshening melon soup with lemon-yogurt sorbet; the dense but simple Mission-fig financier; a thick, glazed peach tarte Tatin; excellent fruit sorbets; and an unexpectedly gutsy steamed lemon pudding, while not as compelling as prior courses, blessedly avoid the obsessive trickiness that is ruining many other restaurants' final act.
The Horn & Hardart people once claimed that "you can't eat atmosphere." But anyone who has ever taken a share in a saltbox house just north of Route 27 in Sagaponack knows you can't pretend you're summering along the shore when you're surrounded by sassafras trees, just a Frisbee toss from a Mercedes dealer. I try not to eat with my head buried in my plate. Makes you look like an urchin from the cast of Oliver. But dining at Della Femina is liable to give me something of a hunch. Luckily, since it's a pleasure to look deep into these dishes and up into the warm faces of the wait staff, that's enough to prompt return visits without hesitation. But it would be nice to sit up straight once in a while and equally enjoy the view. If Jerry ever opens one morning and discovers his walls have been painted pumpkin and the floors are covered with vegetable-dyed kilims, he'll know whom to finger.
Della Femina, 131 East 54th Street (752-0111). Lunch, Monday through Friday, noon to 2:30 p.m.; dinner, Monday through Saturday, 6 to 11 p.m. Appetizers, $10 to $19, entrées, $26 to $42. All major credit cards.

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<P>头大大大 ....</P><P>不好意思 我走错了``</P><P>`精神上支持楼主  ``  实在帮不了你什么````</P>
作者: purejade    时间: 2006-9-27 14:21:34

作者: 骆驼刺    时间: 2006-9-27 18:45:52

作者: 卡纳瓦罗117    时间: 2006-9-27 18:48:41

<P>看着头都大了。。。。</P><P>楼主去找个ICN的新闻官帮你把             </P>
作者: 卡纳瓦罗117    时间: 2006-9-27 18:49:21

<P>看着头都大了。。。。</P><P>楼主去找个ICN的新闻官帮你把             </P>
作者: 詠遠快樂    时间: 2006-9-28 10:58:25

<P>adman终于来临了,广告中餐馆,杰里带来女权晚跟他同名,曼哈顿西边Hamptons. 早在60年代,鲁会堂旅行越野,我第一次吐了一口快餐包装的情报,亚利桑那. 在谈到单打芥末. "这是什么? " 我问柜台后面的女孩. "这怎么和芥末油? 我望着雪儿,「我问的结果很美丽神秘的基因「怎么说? 那是女王的方式. " "不在纽约,"我说. ",她说:"你现在不在纽约,孩子,你呢? 如果世界上称为麦当劳因故调整按境内无法选择自己的餐厅,其他地方没有降低自己改变. 女权报道,在刚刚开始挑选,蓄意把杰里晚女权的常客回长洲的南式,但未原家餐厅. 但对那些寻求救济和自豪无法确认三个多晚,漫画女权东常挂在Hamptonian律师,这是我们绝对要开车. 虽然是完美的时间增加,我想是不作夏天--Hamptons笑话,但这并非容易,因为他们一直有股snarky的痛苦对他们与美国普洛斯的评价如意的总统. 先生和我对女权晚. . . . . . 以外,我无法忍受他其事曼哈顿餐厅空间. 除了一系列令人瞩目sheaflikesconces环绕会场,是典型例子一切都市作恶,到手的海滩府,把塑料表面、麻地毯、米色monochromatism"剥削"的努力遭到了简单的生活. 但这并非一滩. 只是平淡. 同样,也许将真正海滨色彩,如发现深秋的天空,午夜蓝水、薰衣草到开说法,百色彩绿色,可能使晚女权目前白面包与牛油顾客为回环,认为它们似乎有一个印象,一向"两为一褪晚". 水磨坊忘记,这是一对Kennebunkport激烈. 所以我对女权先生晚. 深鞠躬欣赏却无法集中、全面成熟,迷人人员记录. 而我更大,几乎看不见尴尬异常,对他更明Penner厨师,他与女权的设计,了解不同的诱人稀少,造成--性和透明性. 途中他回城现实,Penner的巨大展牌信心. 难得的视觉和口味无关,引起关注. 为什么需要创新,龙虾沙拉,实际上是假品味,曲棍球冰球规模集中养殖、芒果、Sevruga、984、龙虾巧妙走,在夜空的花,在突然增加,heartiness93-98. 同样微妙的平衡只大月饼口味,培养和提高选手的柑橘,姜vinaigrette. Briny新成冷冻小汤沐浴顺利. 高危险的risottomorels黑竹、芦笋受Parmesan. 以及:「黑面tartare夏威夷和日本的激烈wakame山药沙拉. 另一家最近写道,他想要吃"鱼支"多品种rémoulade他唯一的手指. 妳是不是傻瓜. 是傻瓜,还是向别人的威力. 除了钱他刻骨铭心foie狂欢,不必选择香蕉烤馕、凤梨、凯文Penner是有饥饿痛苦. 其日船业应该签字盘,特别在风光破坏的丝绸质地是通过持续的野生美味的蘑菇汤和土豆枝叶茂密purée. 野生鲈鱼条,铜镜更漂亮可爱的糖、蒜confit番茄酱. langoustines烧,肉质比较夜里下良好,得益于坚持和辣黑菌与龙虾酱. 有美丽的红玉髓羔羊,乞求更多的黑橄榄酱北. 烤香的鸡肉,精湛confit野生的香菇与蛋土豆名单; 鞍uncumbersome惊人的强大ragout烧烤兔子的家,蔡溪. 牛肋眼,这是最好好,为砖42smackers牛肉 这是另一种疯狂的牛病. 一花,巧克力盒,在不景气的周末驾驶员在开车他2003系列的高箱、食品Valrhona过暗,buttermilk无法进入. 当然最好的厨师,有人想到巧克力Gucci短剑不高Siders. 否则凉气息,freshening冬瓜汤,柠檬,苹果里面. 茂密,简单任务融资580人. 厚厚,桃面TarteTatin; sorbets优秀成果. 突然,有血性柠檬蒸年糕,不是强迫的课程之前,幸运避免trickiness除夕,许多餐馆破坏的最后文件. 在科学角Hardart人说"不中吃". 但人并没有分的房子saltbox路以北27Sagaponack不知道你装summering沿海岸,你周围树木Sassafras,仅丢在盘商奔驰. 我不要吃,我的头埋在我的板块. 让人像一个演员的英爱. 在晚餐厅,女权是一个被给予了字. 还好,这是深入地研究了这些菜的热情面对的员工等,就好及时回访境界. 但可以当作端坐偶尔有同样的看法. 杰里,一个日益开放,上午他发现墙上画了几楼,是用蔬菜染基,谁知道他会利. 女权报道,第54街东131(752-0111). 午餐星期一至星期五中午十二时至下午二时; 晚餐星期一至星期六,六时至十一开胃、100190、entrées,260元42. 各主要信用卡. </P><P>   不是很准确。</P>

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