02年,开始喜欢BOBO,因为他的口无遮拦,在面对太极虎的比赛上,某种程度上说是因为他自己浪费一次绝佳机会,使得意大利人过早被淘汰亚了。结果听说后来他炮轰特拉帕托尼,汗,我就觉得他很有个性,就喜欢上BOBO了。后来他的状态很好,很强势 ,我很喜欢。英雄迟暮……
the sign is already arrived, from more than 24 hours. The visits have been made, Christian Vieri is a player of Fiorentina to all the effects. Bobo will wear the t-shirt number 32. In all probability iwill catch up the retreat of Castelrotto tomorrow. Christian is purple and stay in silence: “<B>I have made one promise I cannot speak, tried to understand me.</B> The appointment is tomorrow in the official press conference”. One struck: “I am Happy”. Stop. The Silence returns sovereign. Is already a lot.
<B>I have made one promise I cannot speak, tried to understand me</B>
我的BOBO,爱你在心口难开。作者: 115960452 时间: 2007-7-21 23:25:43