昨夜前与几位t同学聊起各自心目中最喜爱的歌,有人提到披头士(Beatles)的《昨日》(Yesterday)与《嘿,朱弟》(Hey Jude);有人提到西蒙和加芬客(Simon&Garfunkel)的《静之声》(The sound of silence)和《斯卡堡集市》(Scarborough fair)。不过最后大家终于同意到一首几乎是所有人的最爱:老鹰乐队(Eagles)的加州旅馆(Hotel California)。
老鹰乐队(the eagles) 美国摇滚乐队这是他们的不朽名曲吉他的前奏和间奏非常非常动听有如仙乐赏析。1996年至今,全中国的酒吧都在播放一段音乐会现场录相:在鲜花与彬彬有礼的掌声中,几个功成名就的老家伙一字排开,抱着吉它和贝司做默契的合唱。那是老鹰乐队复出后一场著名的unplugged show(不插电晚会),那首随意但整齐、平淡却迷人的著名歌曲,就是他们在1976年底发表的《加州旅馆》。 老鹰乐队是美国乃至美国文化波及到世界最为雅俗共赏的乐队,有人说他们是摇滚乐队,也有人说他们是合唱组,反正他们最拿手的,便是乡村摇滚的五重奏加上五重唱,乡村的传统情怀、摇滚的适当的动感、一层层吉它铺垫出的细致空间、一重重人声叠加的丰富和声,便是他们左右逢源的秘密。作为加州摇滚主流化之后的最成功例子,老鹰自1971年组建到1982年解散,伴随美国人度过了整个七十年代,他们不仅是格莱美大奖的常客,也是每张唱片都是金唱片的骄子,后来,更是“摇滚名人祠”和“硬石餐厅”(hard rock cafe)追星式的收藏对象。就在乐队解散之后,也有glenn frey(格伦.弗瑞)、joe walsh(乔.沃尔什)、don henley(唐.亨利)三位分别成为歌坛巨星,其中唐.亨利的格莱美大奖作品“the end of the innocence”《纯真的结局》尤其深符美国人回归道德的心态:“我要记住它,亲爱的,在告别之前再给我一个吻,再让我长久地看你最后一眼。你可以把头枕在地上,让你的头发铺散在我的旁边,献出你最珍贵的防线,可这也是结局,这已是纯真的结局。” 正如《纯真的结局》一样,当年的《加州旅馆》也是这样在旧式生活的场景中盘算着道德与美的双重意义。《加州旅馆》更像一个寓言、一次神秘的梦游,在黑暗的沙漠高速公路旁,加州旅馆宾至如归、应有尽有,灯红酒绿、美女如云,可是当“我”想要离开的时候却被告知:“你可以随时买单,但永不能离去。”歌中还有人说:“我们都是自制的牢笼中的囚徒”,这听起来颇有警世恒言的味道。然而音乐一旦响起,歌喉绽开之际,说教不见了,悲凉出现了,冷眼看世界的人满心疼痛,像是无力回天的唐僧在向神灵倾诉人间的不义与美好的不幸,而层层叠叠的铮然吉它和温厚的人声又创造了形式上的美----那网一样的听觉麻醉。在老鹰复出后的那个版本中,更有加倍的成熟男人的魅力,那谈不上沧桑,但也绝不是冲动,结果这首歌获得了意想不到的效果,它本身更加平淡从容,而听者却有更大的热情。
hotel california(加州旅馆)
on a dark desert highway.
cool wind in my hair.
warm smell of colitas rising
up through the air up ahead in the distance.
i saw a shimmering light
my head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
i had to stop for the night
there she stood in the doorway
i heard the mission bell
and i was thinking to myself
this could be heaven or this could be hell
then she lit up a candle
and she showed me the way
there were voices down in corridor
i thought i heard them say......
welcome to the hotel california
such a lovely place (such a lovely face)
there's plenty of rooms at the
hotel california
any time of year you can find it here
her mind is tiffany-twisted
she got the mercedes-benz
she got a lot of pretty,
pretty boys that she calls friends
how they dance in the courtyard
sweet summer sweat
some dance to remember
some dance to forget
so i called up the captain
please bring me my wine
he said we haven't had that spirit
here since nineteen sixty nine
and still those voices are
calling from far away
wake you up in the middle of the night
just to hear them say......
welcome to the hotel
california such a lovely place
(such a lovely face)
they livin'it up at the hotel california
what a nice surprise bring your alibis
mirrors on the ceilling
the pink champagne on ice
and she said we are all just prisoners
here of our own device
and in the master's chambers
they gathered for the feast
they stab it with their steely knives
but they just can't kill the beast
last thing i remember,
i was running for the door
i had to find the passage back
to the place i was before
relax said programmed to receive
you can check out any time you like
but you can never leave
The words TI AMO (I LOVE YOU) written in big white letters on a black and blue background, and in the bottom right-hand corner a signature \'W l\'Inter\' (Viva Inter),which in reality is like an umbilical cord for all Nerazzurri fans.