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地址:http://www.soccerway.com/news/20 ... not-finalised-agent
Nasri move to Arsenal not finalised: Agent
Written by: AFP
2008-05-21 18:19:27
Marseille´s Samir Nasir (R) fights for the ball with GB Anvers´ Kurt Van Dooren.
MARSEILLE, France (AFP) - France international playmaker Samir Nasir has not had his move from Marseille to Arsenal finalised, his agent Jean-Pierre Bernes told AFP on Wednesday afternoon.
马赛的萨米尔纳西尔( )争取球与GB的anvers '库尔特车dooren 。马赛,法国(法新社)
他的经纪人Jean-Pierre Bernes周三下午告诉法新社,法国球员萨米尔纳西尔,他一直没有就纳斯里从马赛到阿森纳的转会做最后决定。
However Nasri's agent Bernes said: "No agreement has been finalised though it's true we are looking into a bid by Arsenal which interests Nasri in sporting terms, but it's also true that other offers have arrived in my office."
纳斯里的代理人bernes说: “没有已经敲定协议,事实上是虽然我们正考虑来自阿森纳的合同,但其它的也不错,有些报价已经到了我的办公室” 。
Bernes added however: "Samir Nasri cannot already be considered an Arsenal player, not at all. It's premature."
bernes说: “现在就认为萨米尔纳斯里已经是阿森纳的球员事实上有点过早”
但是事实上欧洲的网站上确实没有纳斯里转会阿森纳的消息 |