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portishead的个人空间 http://bbs.inter.net.cn/?40703 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


分享 The Game
2010-7-5 11:50
Although I am a German fan, Frankly speaking, The"Deceitful Match of Ball"has two games, one is the cooperation between FIFA and AFA, the other is the non-cooperation between public and FIFA. Anyone will betray you dependingon what price. ThisDECEITFUL football ma ...
1066 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 9
分享 天问-达明
2010-6-4 09:43
天问 --达明一派 抑郁于天空的火焰下 大地静默无说话 风吹起紫色的烟和雾 百姓瑟缩于惶恐下 谁挽起弓箭射天空的火舌 谁偷仙丹飞天月宫安守青天 纵怨天天不容问 叹众生生不容问 疯癫于漆黑的火焰下 沙哑的叫喊是乌鸦 汹涌起一天丹徘雪花 千秋的咒诅何时作罢 谁斗胆挽起弓与箭射天空嚣张的火舌 谁不惜偷仙丹 ...
1105 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 15

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