天木柯南 发表于 2013-8-3 13:17:17


kelisaidige 发表于 2013-8-3 13:17:50



MPZ 发表于 2013-8-3 13:21:23


kingbos 发表于 2013-8-3 13:39:28


6162397 发表于 2013-8-3 13:47:08


6162397 发表于 2013-8-3 13:55:50

Embarrassed? No, but ... I was impressed. The words of Ernesto is a huge act of love for Inter and a great test of friendship towards me. He is right: the football teams have to love them. And I think I know something about it ... He phoned me and told me: Max, do you mind if I say those things? Imagine, I said. It is a great gentleman. " Massimo Moratti speaks well to the Gazzetta dello Sport and explains why the impending sale of shares (probably the majority) to Erick Thohir .

Really has doubts? The game with the nostalgia is still open?
"Nostalgia, by definition, there is always behind. This limit acts of love, my like those of Pellegrini ... No, I decided to look to the future. "

But it would not be appealing the prospect of a group of friends who intervenes to passion, and perhaps heal some debt too?
"The debts, debts: you always talk about those, but it is an error of perspective. The Inter debt is similar to that of other large companies, and does not bother me at all. However refers in large part to my person and is structured in a solid. I could easily continue alone. The problem is not the debt, the real problem is the turnover. Resources are needed for development: a commercial theme, if you do not want to call it industrial, that sounds bad in football ... What I care about is the team's future. And this can not be separated from the expansion of the brand on the international market. "

Okay, but from here to deliver part of his heart to a billionaire Indonesian there runs ... Really no alternative? Maybe it's the avatar of Moratti, who responds, hardly a distant voice from the emotions.
"You see, for years the Italian football, and I take my share of the blame, he won on the field but financially abroad played a game absolutely housewife . And he lost. He has nourished of television rights and market shocks. For goodness sake, even those they serve, create identity and cohesion among the fans, who are the first asset of a team. But today we find ourselves unable to do system, with old-growth stages, without a format that can really attract a planetary interest. Create a solid market abroad is a long, difficult and costly. And the competition is very strong. The entry of a socio Asia, for example, that fundamental market brings it to you at home. It forces you to change direction and managerial habits. It opens to the world and new resources in an almost automatic. In short, you internationalization even more of a treble ... ".

Already, the legendary Treble. Perhaps be traced right there, in that season of triumphs drunk, recent and distant now, the origin of the new thinking Moratti, anger and disappointment rational enterprise that now forces him to give voice, and reason, to your avatar. From those titles, in fact, Inter failed to capitalize on anything, except the great joy of having them and immaterial won after decades of abstinence. In financial terms, the triple victory did not trigger a cycle of development. In contrast, marked a high point, a prelude to a rapid decline. The progression of the budget is merciless: in 2010 the Inter had 251 million in revenue, 170 today. Sure, it lacks the contribution of the Champions League but the distance with the big international clubs has become abysmal.
"immense joy and an equally huge wasted opportunity, that's what it was ... Sa, Inter is like a daughter. A beautiful girl with extraordinary gifts. A girl once ... You give everything to make it fun, because rightly so. But there comes a time when it is appropriate to send her to college. The discipline and education are key to its growth. Only then will learn to walk alone ... Inter have dramatically cut overhead costs and salaries, but this is useless if the turnover is reduced. I repeat, it is not a matter of survival. It is a development issue and must be resolved with strong innovation. Inter is worth much more than it produces in terms of turnover. Should enhance their brand on the international level if he wants to have a future in line with its tradition. "

To the figures, as the damnation of the treble, there is no escape: in 2010 the salaries amounted to 235 million today have been reduced to almost half, but the losses in the balance sheet remained stable over the 70 million euro. Thohir, or whoever, is not a surrender of feelings, it is a rational necessity. I understand the fans? And Pellegrini will settle the answers?
"They understand how, our fans: My first thought is to them because Inter is to those who love it. Believe me, I'm doing for them. And I also understand Pellegrini: his proposal and his affection are just proof that Inter has gained a huge and untapped value that must be freed for the future. Moreover, a possible arrival Thohir would not at all in contradiction with the input of other members representative of the world of Inter ... ".

And Moratti role in all of this that carves out?
"Inter is a company run in a modern and internationally. If servant, I will stay to give my contribution. But please do not mitizziamo my role. I also ask the fans: the presidents-symbol at some point become a stopper .... Inter is not my personal matter. In the end, I have never liked the chairs "

kukluxklan 发表于 2013-8-3 14:39:20


wqs_green 发表于 2013-8-3 14:46:08


hartson 发表于 2013-8-3 15:03:05

zhiling5252 发表于 2013-8-3 10:22 static/image/common/back.gif
国际米兰在首轮同切尔西的比赛之后,周五上午回到红牛训练基地恢复训练,开始备战同瓦伦西亚的第二轮比赛。 ...


hartson 发表于 2013-8-3 15:05:17

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