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对你关于穆帅的那篇文章我的个人评价只有四个字 难以服众!
那我想楼主你扪心自问: 从综合执教水平来说,穆里尼奥vs曼齐尼
我对目前论坛穆迷的建议: 冷静,客观,以事实为依据,团结原有国米球迷,因为现在开始,我们就是一家人!一损俱损,一荣俱荣!大家首先要团结,低调!我们的敌人在隔壁啊!
Sawyer759 (2 months ago) Show Hide +4 | Spam I love ManUtd, but i must say:"Mourinho is the best"...(曼联的球迷也认为他是最好的)
thereddevills (3 months ago) Show Hide +3 | Spam i support united but i was sad when he went (当他离开切尔西是,一个曼联球迷也觉得伤心)
robbie123ingham (3 months ago) Show Hide -4 | Spam mourinho
simply thu best
a support newcastle
but no1 will b able 2 replace him
fk avram n roman
only 1 jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooose mourinho (纽卡斯尔球迷认为穆里尼奥是无可取代的最好的教练)
mikeyandblaine (3 months ago) Show Hide +3 | Spam im a manu fan but ive got to admit he is a legend, wish he was england boss! (曼联球迷希望穆里尼奥能成为英格兰主帅,因为他是传奇)
Xhimp23 (3 months ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam completely agree, im a man u fan too. what a legend. cant help but like the guy (曼联球迷认为穆帅是个传奇)
IamJohnyD (2 days ago) Show Hide -1 | Spam unlucky milan, junventus and roma filho da puta. (已经有球迷开始对其它意甲球队感到绝望了)
lfcsg3 (4 days ago) Show Hide +1 | Spam im a liverpool fan but mourinho is the best manager in football all the fans at chelsea loved him(利物浦的球迷认为他是最好的教练)
plymouthrule (4 weeks ago) Show Hide +1 | Spam Jose For England . Holloway For Torquay. (穆里尼奥之于英格兰,就像好莱坞于世界)
watelsecanido (3 months ago) Show Hide +2 | Spam Simply the best person in football from a liverpool fan (又一位利物浦球迷对穆帅的评价,他是最好的)
WildxLemon (1 week ago) Show Hide +1 | Spam now you must shed tears .... and a couple of days ago , when Chelsea lost to Man U we did. I miss Jose :( (当切尔西输给曼联,我怀念穆里尼奥)
love4gyh (2 days ago) Show Hide +1 | Spam Welcome to INTER! (这个国米球迷第一时间开始欢迎穆里尼奥了)
5duker49 (2 days ago) Show Hide +3 | Spam :( forza mourinho!
I am an English Chelsea fan and I am sad that he's gone, but happy that he's got a top job at a top club because he is the best manager. Prepare to win EVERYTHING inter. (这个切迷已经觉得国米可以准备赢得一切奖杯了)
cambiasso88 (2 days ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam The special Inter 2008/2009: Julio Cesar, Maicon, Samuel, Cordoba, Chivu, ESSIEN, Cambiasso, LAMPARD, QUARESMA, Ibrahimovic, ETO'O...per l'assalto all'Europa (国米球迷规划的08-09阵容)
engagesuperleague (4 days ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam loved him even thogh im liverpool (利物浦的球迷也喜欢他,哪怕当年的那个闭嘴动作)
germandude1234 (4 days ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam so much better than sir alexy ferguson one of the best mangers of all time (有球迷认为他是比弗格森还出色的最伟大的主教练)
ormagom (2 months ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam Kezman said that if his team played against a Chelsea lead by Mourinho, they will never had a chance to win that match (凯日曼离开切尔西后说:如果我们面对穆里尼奥领导的切尔西,将永远不可能取胜)
behemothzZz (4 days ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam I'm a Man Utd fan and I have to admit that I miss him in the Premierleague.
His arrogance and boldness never ceased to amaze :p (曼联的球迷也认为他是最棒的)
tranmere8 (3 months ago) Show Hide +3 Marked as spam Reply | Spam am a liverpool fan and i want him back in the prem its boringwithout him!!!!! (利物浦的球迷也很思念穆帅)
spritz07 (1 week ago) Show Hide +1 | Spam i think jose mourinho is the best manager for chelsea. i hope he comes back and im glad avram grant is leaving (切尔西球迷希望穆里尼奥回去)
Qsmngy (1 week ago) Show Hide +3 | Spam Mourinho 4 Ever ..
ggirl00 (46 minutes ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam Jose is best coach in the world!!!
thesectrooper1988 (17 hours ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam I love that moments form 0:36 - 1:04. I remember that game and first feelings when Porto scored, and of course what Mourinho did :D!!!
BruceWayne (5 days ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam Welcome to Inter Special One!
dipa7 (5 days ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam simply the best...
robvandamforever (1 day ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam i miss you so much jose, please come back soon
danmasey (3 days ago) Show Hide +4 | Spam Good luck with Inter Jose. Chelsea will miss you!
problem64 (4 days ago) Show Hide +5 | Spam Legend.
MBrookiee (1 week ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam ahaha Jog on avram. Nice of you to come though. Come on Jose come back
redbullbobby (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +3 | Spam he is simply the best chelsea manager ever
tacoandbeer (1 month ago) Show Hide +4 | Spam Jose is the best, proberbly the only man who people would pay to watch manage a team because he was always interesting, We need him back at chelsea, Roman is a moron, I love this guy to death and would do anything to have him back, hes simply the best!
SstrykerR (1 month ago) Show Hide +1 | Spam Indeed, no manager like him! And chelsea need him too... :( Wish he'd come back but... thats just a wish :'(
foarteanonim (1 month ago) Show Hide +4 | Spam I am Romanian, my favourite team is Poli Timisoara, but I also like Chelsea, because of Mourinho. He made a team there, a powerful team. He made some mistakes, but he is human, like all of us. I hope Chelsea wins against Liverpool. All my friends like man U chester and Liver Pool, except me. I hope The Special One will come one day to Poli Timisoara (Romania). Yeah, I know, keep dreaming!
MyCharo (1 month ago) Show Hide -3 | Spam Bring back the special one damn it!!!!!im missing u!!!we will stand & fight the rafa team!!!!!welcome to stamford bridge the LIFERFOOL
hirkey (2 months ago) Show Hide +6 | Spam No maneger like him, indeed Jose u r the Best
Chelsea 4 ever and ever, jose come back plz.
daisydriver (2 months ago) Show Hide 0 | Spam Great compilation tribute to a great guy.
The premiership has not been the same without him, nor has the press. Good luck Jose wherever you go but would rather you came back to UK.
1stdannunu (4 months ago) Show Hide +4 | Spam JOSE!!!best manager OF CHELSEA'S HISTORY!!!will always be.....hope u come back someday!!!u no u hav chelsea running thru ur veins
MGSmarioPRO (3 months ago) Show Hide +9 | Spam Without Mourinho, the football sucks. MOURINHO COME BACK!!! |