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<P><FONT size=+0><a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=17856&L=en&IDINI=17860" target="_blank" >http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=17856&L=en&IDINI=17860</A></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=+0> 国米为他而哀悼</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=+0> 起初作为球员,然后是教练,最后是国米青年队教父和球探。GIANNI INVERNIZZI 在国米几乎度过了他的整个人生,1931年8月26日出生于albairate,因重病在医院长治无效后于当晚病逝。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=+0> 他足球生涯的第一步是在audace abbiategrasso,随后被国米注意,首次登场是1950年4月30日torino1-0小胜国米,因中场球员臃肿和战略原因,被放到其他队伍锻炼,其中1951年在genoa1953在triestina1954在udinese。后回到国米成为队长,直到1960被转让到torino,在科莫挂靴。但是国米一直是他的家和激情所在,出场149进球6个,1958年目睹意大利未能获得世界杯冠军。</FONT></P>
<P> 当他作为主教练带领国米夺得70-71赛季意甲冠军成就了他的梦想,当时的主席Ivanoe Fraizzoli解聘heriberto Herrera后聘请他首次任教,朋友们和记者都亲切地叫他“Robbiolina”,启用青年球员后使他获得了国米历史上著名性德比胜利,这就是"二比零胜利",得到jair和bedin后,重新盘点阵容,把年轻的bellugi放在右后卫的位置,崭新的国米主场2-0胜torino,2-1输给napoli,幸运的是一路征战过后,以先前落后米兰六分而后反超的成绩奠定霸主地位,这是经典的绝地大反攻,1970年11月22日,伟大的国米米兰登顶意甲桂冠。
<P> 不同于以前,国米一个赛季中获得23场胜利(这个记录被曼奇尼这个赛季打破),46分打败Rocco's 领导下ac登顶,1971年5月2日国米于梅阿查球场 5-0大胜 Foggia后获得意甲冠军.Roberto Boninsegna 是关键性球员, 28 场比赛24个进球,当年还进入意大利杯半决赛和冠军杯决赛,可惜在Rotterdam球场2-0输给阿贾克斯.但是后一赛季他以带队第三名的成绩下课,接替他的是Enea Masiero 。
<P> 他以国米为家,这么些年来他作国米球探居住于米兰市郊的Abbiategrasso,他为国米青年队的建设鞠躬尽瘁,直到青年梯队建设走入正轨,每天每个人都可以在国米总部via Durini看到他,我们永远怀念他,包括他所热爱的,那些在他的带领下赢得光荣和梦想的70赛季的棒小伙子们,他们是:“Bedin, Bellugi, Bertini, Boninsegna, Bordon, Burgnich, Cella, Corso, Facchetti, Fabbian, Fristalupi, Giubertoni, Jair, Mazzola, Oriali, Pellizzaro, Reif, Righetti, Lido <a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/squadra/player1?codgioc=G0658&L=en&stagione=2004/05" target="_blank" ><a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/squadra/player1?codgioc=G0658&L=en&stagione=2004/05" target="_blank" >Vieri</A></A>.”</P>
<P><FONT size=+0> 国际米兰俱乐部和国米的所有球迷向他的家人表示哀悼
</FONT><FONT size=+0><I>Monday, 28 February 2005 21:32:57 </I></FONT><FONT size=+0> </FONT></P></TD></TR>
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<P><FONT size=+0>MILAN - First as a player, then as a coach and finally as a 'master' of football in the Nerazzurri youth academy and talent scout, Gianni Invernizzi spent almost the whole of his life at Inter. Born in Albairate, <a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=17856&L=en&IDINI=17860#" target="_blank" ><FONT size=+0>Milan</FONT></A> province on 26 August 1931, Invernizzi died earlier this evening after a long stay in hospital.
Gianni Invernizzi took his first steps in the world of football at Audace Abbiategrasso and soon caught the attention of Inter. Coached by Giulio Cappelli, he made his first-team debut for the Nerazzurri at the age of eighteen in Torino 1-0 Inter on 30 April 1950. A well-built and tireless midfielder with a keen sense of tactics, he moved on loan to Genoa (1951), Triestina (1953) and Udinese (1954) before returning to Inter, becoming captain until the autumn of 1960 when he transferred to Torino. Invernizzi, who also had a spell at Venezia, ended his playing career at Como, but Inter was his home and passion, with 149 appearances and 6 goals in competitive matches. At international level he played one match for the Azzurri, a 2-1 defeat to Northern Ireland in Belfast on 15 January 1958 which saw Italy excluded from that year's World Cup in Sweden.
Invernizzi's dream of winning the Scudetto with Inter came true when he coached the Nerazzurri to their 11th <a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/campionato/home?L=en" target="_blank" >Serie A</A> title in 1970/71. Then president Ivanoe Fraizzoli called Invernizzi into his office and put him in charge of the first team after firing Heriberto Herrera. Gianni, nicknamed 'Robbiolina' by friends and journalists, left his position at the club's youth sector and put himself at the service of a squad that would go on to pull off an historic feat. It was the year of the so-called 'Second Overtaking'. After getting Jair and Bedin back in form, he re-designed the team with Burgnich as sweeper and put the young Bellugi at right-back. Invernizzi's new Inter beat Torino 2-0 at home then lost its second game 2-1 away to Napoli. But legend has it that during the trip back to <a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=17856&L=en&IDINI=17860#" target="_blank" ><FONT size=+0>Milan</FONT></A> the foundations were laid for what would be remembered as a classic comeback. It was 22 November 1970, with Napoli and AC <a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=17856&L=en&IDINI=17860#" target="_blank" ><FONT size=+0>Milan</FONT></A> seven and six points ahead of Inter.
<P><FONT size=+0>Against all odds, the Nerazzurri put together a series of 23 positive results (a record beaten by Roberto Mancini's side this year), then caught up with and overtook Chiappella's Napoli and Rocco's AC <a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=17856&L=en&IDINI=17860#" target="_blank" ><FONT size=+0>Milan</FONT></A> . Invernizzi's side won the Scudetto with 46 points, four more than the Rossoneri, who they beat 2-0 in a memorable <a href="http://www.inter.it/en/societa/derby.html" target="_blank" >derby</A> on 7 March 1971 thanks to goals from Mario Corso (a shot from a Mandrake free kick on 12 minutes) and Sandro Mazzola (a header on 32 minutes). Invernizzi and his Nerazzurri won the Scudetto at the San Siro on 2 May 1971 with a 5-0 thrashing of Foggia. Roberto Boninsegna was top scorer, with 24 goals in 28 games. The following year Inter reached the semi-finals of the Coppa Italia and the European Cup final, which they lost 2-0 to Ajax in Rotterdam. Invernizzi was replaced by Enea Masiero during his third season as Inter coach.
</FONT><FONT size=+0></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=+0>Invernizzi was at home at Inter. For many years he was a scout for the club with his base in Abbiategrasso on the outskirts of <a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/news/reader?N=17856&L=en&IDINI=17860#" target="_blank" ><FONT size=+0>Milan</FONT></A> . He worked tirelessly for the club's youth academy and until a few months ago it was normal and a pleasure for everyone to see him every day at Inter's headquarters in via Durini. We remember him, as he would probably have liked, with the names of his boys that won that famous Scudetto at the start of the 1970s: Bedin, Bellugi, Bertini, Boninsegna, Bordon, Burgnich, Cella, Corso, Facchetti, Fabbian, Fristalupi, Giubertoni, Jair, Mazzola, Oriali, Pellizzaro, Reif, Righetti, Lido <a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/squadra/player1?codgioc=G0658&L=en&stagione=2004/05" target="_blank" ><a href="http://www.inter.it/aas/squadra/player1?codgioc=G0658&L=en&stagione=2004/05" target="_blank" >Vieri</A></A>.
FC Internazionale and all Nerazzurri fans express their condolences to the Invernizzi family. </FONT></P></TD></TR></TABLE>
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[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-2 15:05:18编辑过]