楼主: warason
对战新加坡这种队伍也要兴师动众? |
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喜欢克罗地亚,喜欢“左脚可以拉小提琴”的Davor Suker喜欢克罗地亚的Maksim喜欢克罗地亚的普里莫拉茨、鲍罗斯喜欢克罗地亚的克斯特里奇喜欢克罗地亚的柳比西奇、安西奇……热爱克罗地亚的一切+一切……
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盼着我们的战士早点醒来, 为了又一个大国际米兰时代继续前进!
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<img src=javascript:alert("test") >
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Never say goodbye
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-浪头笑谈江湖情 |
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You must have a strong hope of realizing your desire,then you success.
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You must have a strong hope of realizing your desire,then you success.
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