LOVECARRIE 发表于 2008-5-29 16:39:43


发信人: anxiugy (DZ)(蓝黑百年), 板面: Inter
标  题: Mancini想要20M的分手费
发信站: 飘渺水云间站 (Thu May 29 16:34:15 2008), 转信

Mancini wants 20 millions for end the contract. The official notice of
exoneration could be published only when will be known the divorce details. But
what seems almost sure is that Mancini don't want to find an agreement for a
quiet divorce, unless that will be paid to him 20 millions. Inter have still
warned lawyers, some players would be disposed to attest for the the society.
The declarations made by Mancini  in the press conference after Inter-Liverpool
("I think that these will be my last two months in Inter bench, I just said it
to the team") have destabilized the dress rooms.

Yersterday Crespo has affirmed: "The trauma for the exoneration against
Liverpool in Champions League is at the beginning of problems, that after have
appeared in Championship. We have lost our identity and in the final part we
have suffered so much, even for this the party for Scudetto has been so great".

Mancini, but is quiet and is not in hurry, because has a contract that give him
6 million euros every year until 2012. His agent Giorgio De Giorgis yesterday
to Sky has declared: "When a chairman trust on Mancini and then in Mourinho,
knows what are the costs that bring".

Then he has denied that his client pass the time to call Abramovich, for
suggest himself for Chelsea's bench.
※ 来源:·飘渺水云间站·


[ 本帖最后由 LOVECARRIE 于 2008-5-29 17:01 编辑 ]

255866 发表于 2008-5-29 16:40:12


李瑞源 发表于 2008-5-29 16:42:26


Sancruz 发表于 2008-5-29 16:42:36


蓝天黑地 发表于 2008-5-29 16:42:55

要是真的这样 我也要鄙视 不过事情没到结束 我宁愿相信他冷静下来会友好分手

流浪的小鱼 发表于 2008-5-29 16:43:02

We have lost our identity and in the final part we
have suffered so much, even for this the party for Scudetto has been so great".

Mancini, but is quiet and is not in hurry, because has a contract that give him
6 million euros every year until 2012

jyuqing 发表于 2008-5-29 16:47:51


流浪的小鱼 发表于 2008-5-29 16:48:40

看来欧冠失利严重影响了球队的士气~反倒是曼乔不紧不慢 因为他有长期合约在身做保障~
要真这样  这样的人留着干嘛~早该卷铺盖走人了

bestinterlq 发表于 2008-5-29 16:49:37

如果是真的  馒头你太让我们失望了  真不希望以后把你和肥罗等人列在一起

lionheart 发表于 2008-5-29 16:57:19

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