<P><B>新闻原文链接</B>:<a href="http://www.inter.net.cn/news/dispArticle.Asp?ID=12432" target="_blank" >http://www.inter.net.cn/news/dispArticle.Asp?ID=12432</A></P>
What did you think when Massimo Moratti said Roberto Mancini's contract renewal is something to be taken for granted, and that you haven't had time to sort everything out?
"The president was right because we have too many matches now and haven't had time to think about this. I have already said on other occasions that my contract is not an important issue. What counts is doing a good job. The other things come second." </P>
<P>对 take for granted的理解。查了OXFORD的双解词典,我用的第4版,在第683页。
一,英文:ASSUME STH TO BE TRUE 中文:认为真实;想当然。</P>
<P>二,英文:(idm)take sb./sth. for granted be so familiar with sb./sth.that one no longer appreciates his/its full value 中文:视为理所当然,认为真实。</P>
<P>Che cosa ha pensato quando Massimo Moratti ha dichiarato che il rinnovo del contratto di Roberto Mancini è una cosa scontata e che è mancato solo il momento di trovarsi per mettere tutto a posto? </P>
<P>Which thing has thought when Massimo Moratti has declared that I renew of the contract of Roberto Mancini is one discounted what and that it is lacked single the moment to find itself in order to put all to place? </P>
<P><B>相关新闻阅读</B>:<a href="http://www.inter.net.cn/news/dispArticle.Asp?ID=12356" target="_blank" >http://www.inter.net.cn/news/dispArticle.Asp?ID=12356</A></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-19 14:43:35编辑过]