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【娱乐?】 2010夏季 20大震撼转会! |
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相关帖子 LEO的家【创雍数码】【移动存储冠军店铺】 :chuangyongsm.tmall.com
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The Treble
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Leonardo, first of all, is the coach of the club which occupies more space in my heart.
A little says Jose for Chelsea just to Setubal andall for Inter.--Mou |
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不必强求,该来的总会来的!VIeri + reCOba + ronalDO=vicodo
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得意时淡然 失意时坦然 路漫漫其修远兮
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破釜沉舟 百二秦關終屬楚
臥薪嘗膽 三韆越甲可吞吳 什么都变了,浮云 |
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