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魔兽(wow)贴 [复制链接]



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-16 04:54:00 |只看该作者
<P>   暴雪版主Katricia透露,Beta测试的下一轮邮件将在本次更新完成后发出,那时就开始下一阶段beta测试,增加新的测试者,包括fan site有奖活动的胜利者。</P><P>   同时,我们汇总整理了官方论坛关于新Push的一些消息: </P>公会管理功能将会开放; 猎人将不会在本次Push中开放,远程武器和能力正在调整; 声望系统尚未完全完成,声望任务没有开放;最终某一阵营的高声望将获得特殊的任务和物品; 玩家可以拥有多个宠物,但每次只能展示一个;目前宠物有猫、鹦鹉、兔子、幼龙;如果宠物流行,会增加更多种类:狗、青蛙、小鸡、蟑螂、老鼠、土拨鼠…… 怪物不再死追带伤害盾的玩家; 开发组将会关注玩家是否会利用邮件系统作为储存空间;玩家可以向同一账号中的人物邮寄金钱和物品;对立阵营不能发送邮件; 玩家不能训练骑乘属于对立阵营的坐骑;军马坐骑及获得军马的任务没有开放;梦魇马开放,因为属于法术而不是任务奖励; 增加了更多墓地,包括荒地[the Barrens]新增的2个;增加了新的地图;开发组还计划增加城市地图。
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-16 07:31:00 |只看该作者
Patch Notes 6/14/04   

2004-06-16 05:22:04   
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-16 07:32:00 |只看该作者
Standard Player vs. Environment Server
Currently, players now have the ability to attack almost all opposing faction NPCs including vendors and quest givers. If a player attacks an opposing faction NPC, players of the opposite faction are then able to target and attack that player. Whenever an NPC is attacked, players who share the same faction as that NPC will receive a system message indicating that a specific town is under attack.
<P>Please be aware that some quest NPCs might not always be available. If they have been killed, players should wait for the NPC to respawn. The development team expects there to be some bugs associated with this so be sure to /bug and /suggest whenever necessary.</P><P>Actions that will enable PvP on the standard player vs. environment server are: attacking an NPC of the opposing faction, attacking a player who attacked an NPC, and/or aiding a player engaged in PvP. Players will also have the ability to enable PvP on their own by using the /pvp command. Once PvP has been enabled by a player, no matter what the method, it will remain in effect for five minutes.</P><P>In time, all standard servers will include a consensual Player vs. Player system called Battlegrounds. Once Battlegrounds has been implemented, players will have the ability to attack other players to defend their cities and towns from invasion. We expect the Battlegrounds system to be available later during the beta test. </P><P>
Horde vs. Alliance Race War Server
The new Horde vs. Alliance race war server will establish a straightforward method for the development team to test and balance the races and classes in a PvP environment. PvP concepts will be gradually introduced on this server. This means that the initial implementation of PvP is not how our final model will work once World of Warcraft is released. This patch includes the fundamental ideas of PvP in order to tune and refine the very foundation of our PvP model.</P><P>On the Horde vs. Alliance race war server, territories will be indicated whenever a player enters a new zone. The zone name will now include additional information to inform the player of the territories status. Additionally, the mini-map will be color coded to indicate who controls the zone: Green = Friendly, Red = Enemy and Yellow = Contested.</P><P>Players will be able to initiate player vs. player combat based on what territory they are in. Players in friendly territories are safe unless they decide to engage an opposing faction player in combat. Players in enemy territories will always be at risk and can be attacked by all players that belong in the territory. All players can be attacked in neutral (contested) territories.</P><P>Actions that will enable a player for PvP status on the Horde vs. Alliance race war server will be: entering or being in an enemy territory, entering or being in a contested territory, attacking an NPC of the opposing faction, attacking another player, and/or aiding a player engaged in PvP. Players will also be able to enable PvP on their own by using the /pvp command. Once PvP has been enabled for a player, no matter what the method, it will remain in effect for five minutes.</P><P>
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-16 07:33:00 |只看该作者
Enter the City to Rest
When visiting one of the six main cities (Darnassus, Ironforge, Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff and The Undercity), players will no longer need to check into the inn to rest. Players will however still need to seek an innkeeper to receive a hearthstone or to bind themselves to the city.
<P>In this initial implementation, there will be some areas close to the cities that will allow a player to rest without actually being in the city. There are also some areas within each city that are not currently activated for resting. Please be sure to check the character portrait to ensure that the character is resting before logging off. The team is aware of this and will continue to work through these areas.</P><P>As before, you will still need to rest at an Inn in smaller towns.</P><P>
技能系统改变的主要目的是让玩家们着重于选择第二技能。现在每当玩家的人物升级时,属性点数就会自动提高,但玩家得到技能点数也比以前更少了。 </P><P>由于技能系统已经被重新设计过,因此现有的人物会丢失一些技能点数。如果玩家剩余的技能点数少于应该被扣除的点数,那么他们会出现技能点数为负的情况。</P>
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-16 07:34:00 |只看该作者
Old Characters Unlocked
All of the older characters from previous patches have been unlocked and are available once again. The older characters have all been assigned skill points as appropriate for their levels. Their talents have been disabled.
Items Deleted
With a few exceptions, all items and currency are being deleted for this patch. The following items will not be deleted: Bags, Scarlet Key, all Shaman Totems and the Hearthstone. Each character will be assigned funds based on their level.
Players will be able to redo quests that have already been completed in order to gain back quest items.</P><P>
Quests Reset
All quest progress for existing characters has been reset. Characters have the ability to go back and redo all quests if they wish. For players that were in the middle of a quest chain, those quests will need to be restarted from the beginning.
Quests were reset to allow players the means for reacquiring lost quest items and to participate in the many quests that have been fixed and rebalanced.</P><P>
The beginnings of the new resistance system are in the game. Players and some creatures now have the ability to resist damage from offensive spells and abilities based on their total resistance, their level and the level of the person or creature causing the damage.</P><P>
New items, with better resistances, will be available in the future.</P><P>
Introduction Cinematic For All Races
A cinematic is now available for each race and will be played after character creation takes place. </P><P>
Postal System Introduced
Players now have the ability to send and receive in-game mail though World of Warcraft's postal system. Every inn has a mailbox that players can right click in order to access mailbox functionality.</P><P>There are several types of mail:</P><P>Normal Mail: This is text only mail written on stationery. Normal mail may also include money.
Package: Players will receive a package when an item is sent to them. A package can also include a text message and money.
C.O.D: Players will receive a C.O.D. mail when an item has been sent to them that they still need to pay for. C.O.D. mail will need to be accepted and paid for, rejected or postponed until its expiration date.
Normal Mail will arrive at their destinations immediately while Packages and C.O.D items will take one hour to arrive.</P><P>
Normal mail: expires in 30 days, deleted when expired.
Package: expires in 30 days, returned to sender when expired.
C.O.D.: expires in 3 days, returned to sender when expired.
Mail can be sent to players by NPCs. </P><P>Level Cap Raised
The level cap has been increased to 45. New zones, quests, items and content have been added to accommodate the level increase along with the ability to purchase and ride mounts!</P><P>
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-16 07:35:00 |只看该作者
Wide Screen Support
Support for wide screen ratios (16:9, 16:10 and 5:4) have been added as a fullscreen choice. The video options have been enhanced to list individual display resolution modes. At this time, windowed mode will still be limited to a 4:3 ratio.
Macintosh OS Upgrade
World of Warcraft beta testers using the Macintosh version will need to upgrade their OS to OS X 10.3.4 or World of Warcraft will not run. OS X 10.3.4 is a free upgrade from any previous 10.3 releases and contains OpenGL drivers that are now necessary for World of Warcraft to operate on a Macintosh system.</P><p><P>其他改变</P><P>
Macintosh的改变:</P><P>在这个补丁中像素着色引擎将被关闭。</P><P>音效:</P><P>所有地区和地牢加入新的环境音效。</P><P>环境音效升级为wav文件以提供更佳效果。</P><P>一个音效选项下加入一个新的功能。这个新功能可让玩家选择声音由他们角色处发出还是在视角出发处。</P><P>城市/地区:</P><P>铁炉堡[Ironforge]的地图做出一些更改。</P><P>猩红修道院[Scarlet Monastery],一个等级30-40在提瑞斯法林地[Trisfal Glades]的地下城现在开放。</P><P>死亡矿井[Deadmines ]中的VanCleff之战和地精工厂再次回到游戏中。</P><P>雷霆崖[Thunder Bluff ]的护卫现在可以指点城中训练师和重要地点的方位。</P><P>湿地[Wetlands]中的墓地现在移到比较中间的位置。</P><P>石爪山脉[Stonetalon Mountains]中的Sun Rock营地增加了一个旅馆,更增加了从荒地[Barrens]到达的安全路线。</P><P>Azora塔中的Azora之眼现在正常工作。</P><P>千针平地[Thousand Needles]中的Shimmering Flats地区加入了一个新的墓地。</P><P>从艾瑞峰[Aerie Peak]到南岸镇[Southshore]增加了一条飞行线路。</P><P>荒地:
绿洲更加茂密</P><P>Northwatch堡和商人海岸[Merchant Coast]给与扩大。</P><P>新增一个迅猛龙小镇。</P><P>场景内新增一些旅游景点。</P><P>很多任务重新设计,其他的在下一个补丁中给与修改。</P><P>Taurajo营地和棘齿城[Ratchet]各增加一个墓地,荒地中的墓地增到3个。</P><P>Taurajo营地增加一个旅馆,荒地中的旅馆增到3个。</P><P>一些NPC和怪物移到更加有方便的位置,下个补丁中会有更多的移动。</P><P>
地下城:</P><P>现在开放Gnomeregan,一个位于丹•莫罗[Dun Morogh]中等级在24-33的地下城。</P><P>现在开放Uldaman, 一个位于Badlands中等级在35-45的地下城。</P><P>如果玩家在副本地下城中退出而副本地下城消失的话,玩家将被移到进入地下城之前的位置。</P><P>一个非副本的Razorfen Downs地区开放给测试者一个体验的机会。Razorfen Downs位于荒地南部,它的副本部分将在下个补丁中推出。</P><P>副本地下城中的箱子将不再重生。</P><P>
商业技能:</P><P>练金术: 练金术增加到等级50,新增30种新配方。增加改变金属质地的能力。隐身药剂现在持续20秒。药剂将不会和同一效果的药剂叠加,不过可以和技能叠加。</P><P>锻造: 锻造增加到等级50。新增40种新配方。在高等级玩家可以选择精专防具师或是武器师。铁圆盾[Iron Buckle]配方现在一个铁条可以制作2个盾牌。新增一个金鳞手套[Golden Scale Glove]配方。</P><P>烹饪: 联盟地区增加烧鱼所需的配方。</P><P>工程学: 机械幼龙[Mechanical Dragonling]的生命值降低,瞄准器不需要工程学才能使用。</P><P>急救: 绷带使用在战斗中会被中断,绷带的冷却时间被取消,不过每个玩家每60秒只能治疗一次。</P><P>钓鱼: 熟练上升度调整,我们希望看到这一改变带来的回应,瓶中的消息[Messages in a bottle]现在有可能会有配方在其中。</P><P>草药学: Stranglekelp,新增一个低等级草药出现在等级15-30的水地中。世界中新增药草出现点。药草出现点不会在副本地牢中重生。如果药草出现点被选中一个新标志会出现。新增高等级药草,采集有些药草的技能将在下个补丁中增加。</P><P>制革: 制革增加到等级50。新增50种新配方。在高等级玩家可以选择精专龙鳞皮革师,元素皮革师或是部落皮革师。</P><P>采矿: 需要2块铜和1块锡来熔炼2块青铜。世界中新增矿产出现点。矿产出现点不会在副本地牢中重生。如果矿产出现点被选中一个新标志会出现。</P><P>剥皮: 熟练上升度调整,我们希望看到这一改变带来的回应。</P><P>生存技能: 营火现在持续10分钟。</P><P>裁缝: 一匹羊毛布现在需要3片羊毛。一匹丝布现在需要4片丝绸。麻布掉落率增加。</P><P>一般法术/技能:</P><P>现在按esc键取消施法。</P><P>反法术技能的打断能力被增加比如说,反魔法,地击术,踢,连打,盾击。不过它们在有些情况下还是会被抵御,躲闪,隔挡,拨开掉。</P><P>训练费用重新平衡以突出当前等级所需要学习法术/技能的数量。</P><P>较长施法时间的治疗法术所需的MP降低。让他们更加实用。</P><P>很多法术和技能现在有更多的升级。建议玩家把现有角色带去训练师那边看看。</P><P>通道法术现在可以被打断。</P>
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-16 07:37:00 |只看该作者

德鲁伊: </P>
<P>Bash: Rage cost reduced if Bash fails.</P><P>Claw: Damage increased. Energy cost reduced if Claw fails.</P><P>Cower: Energy cost reduced if Cower fails.</P><P>Entangling Roots: Mana cost has increased.</P><P>Feline Fury: Energy cost reduced and damage increased.</P><P>Growl: Rage cost reduced if Growl fails.</P><P>Healing Touch: Mana cost reduced.</P><P>Mark of the Wild: Mana cost and resistance increased.</P><P>Maul: Rage cost reduced if Maul fails.</P><P>Pounce: Damage and stun reduced. Energy cost reduced if Pounce fails.</P><P>Rake: Damage increased. Energy cost reduced if Rake fails.</P><P>Ravage: Damage increased. Energy cost reduced if Ravage fails.</P><P>Regrowth: Mana cost and heal amount increased.</P><P>Rip: Energy cost and duration increased. Damage reduced.</P><P>Roar: No longer locks out other Roar abilities for five seconds.</P><P>Shred: Damage increased. Energy cost reduced if Shred fails.</P><P>Soothe Animal: Now an instant cast spell.</P><P>Starfire: Mana cost and damage reduced.</P><P>Swipe: Damage slightly increased.</P><P>Thorns: Mana cost and damage increased.</P><P>Hit Points and Attack Power at lower levels has been increased while in Bear form.</P><P>Attack Rate is faster while in Cat form.</P><P>Druids in shapeshifted form can now gather herbs and skin creatures. </P><P>The camera now changes appropriately for shapeshifted forms.</P><P>Druids under the effects of Enrage are now considered in combat.</P><P>Attack power has been lowered for Druids in their normal caster form.</P><P>Mage</P><P>Arcane Explosion: Mana cost, casting time and damage reduced.</P><P>Arcane Missiles: Mana cost and damage increased.</P><P>Cone of Cold: Mana cost, duration, damage and cooldown increased.</P><P>Counterspell: Moved to level 24. Mana cost reduced. </P><P>Detect Magic: Range increased and hate removed.</P><P>Fire Ward: Moved to level 20.</P><P>Fireball: Added a small damage over time effect.</P><P>Frost Armor: Resistance increased.</P><P>Frost Ward: Moved to level 22.</P><P>Frostbolt: Duration increased with each replacement.</P><P>Scorch: Damage increased.</P><P>Sleep: Mana cost increased.</P><P>Paladin:</P><P>Cleanse: Moved to level 30. </P><P>Crusader Strike: Damage increased. Now an instant cast spell.</P><P>Devotion Aura: More frequent replacements added.</P><P>Divine Favor: Mana cost increased.</P><P>Divine Shield: Mana cost increased. Moved to level 34.</P><P>Exorcism: More frequent replacements added.</P><P>Fist of Justice: Replacements have been changed.</P><P>Healing Aura: Healing rate increased. More frequent replacements added. No longer causes hate.</P><P>Holy Strike: Mana cost and damage increased.</P><P>Might Aura: New spell at level 14.</P><P>Resistance Aura: Moved to level 28. Resistances increased.</P><P>Retribution Aura: Damage slightly increased. Replacements available.</P><P>Seal of Fury: Moved to level 14. Mana cost is percentage based. Duration increased.</P><P>Seal of Might: Spell replaced with Might Aura.</P><P>Seal of Protection: Moved to level 8.</P><P>Seal of Righteousness: Mana cost and duration reduced. Cooldown added.</P><P>Seal of Sacrifice: Moved to level 36. No longer interrupts spells. Cooldown added.</P><P>Seal of Salvation: Moved to level 22. Mana cost is percentage based. Potency increased. Duration reduced. Cooldown added.</P><P>Seal of Wisdom: Spell replaced with Wisdom Aura.</P><P>Seal of Wrath: Mana cost and duration increased.</P><P>Turn Undead: Moved to level 24.</P><P>Wisdom Aura: New spell at level 26.</P>
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-16 07:38:00 |只看该作者
Priest:<P>Abolish Disease: New spell at level 32.</P><P>Cure Disease: New spell at level 14.</P><P>Flash Heal: Mana cost and heal amount reduced.</P><P>Greater Heal: Mana cost reduced.</P><P>Heal: Mana cost reduced.</P><P>Holy Word: Shield: Mana cost increased.</P><P>Lesser Heal: Mana cost reduced.</P><P>Mana Burn: Moved to level 24.</P><P>Mind Blast: Damage slightly reduced.</P><P>Mind Control: Range increased. Creatures will now be more responsive after Mind Control wears off.</P><P>Mind Soothe: Changed to an instant cast spell.</P><P>Nullify Disease: Spell replaced by Cure Disease.</P><P>Prayer of Healing: Mana cost and heal amount increased.</P><P>Renew: Mana cost increased.</P><P>Rogue:</P><P>Ambush: Damage increased.</P><P>Backstab: Damage increased.</P><P>Blind: Energy cost increased.</P><P>Cheap Shot: Energy cost increased.</P><P>Crippling Poison: Effect and duration reduced.</P><P>Deadly Poison: Damage slightly increased. Cost reduced.</P><P>Distract: Energy cost increased.</P><P>Eviscerate: Damage slightly increased. </P><P>Expose: New finishing move at level 14.</P><P>Garrote: Damage increased.</P><P>Instant Poison: Damage slightly reduced.</P><P>Kick: Damage increased. Interrupt chance raised to 100%.</P><P>Pick Pockets: No longer deselects the target after use.</P><P>Sinister Strike: Damage increased.</P><P>Vanish: Duration reduced.</P><P>Shaman:</P><P>Chain Lightning: Moved to level 32.</P><P>Disease Cleansing Totem: Moved to level 38.</P><P>Earth Shock: Interrupt duration decreased.</P><P>Earthbind Totem: Pulses effect more frequently.</P><P>Far Sight: Moved to level 26.</P><P>Fire Nova Totem: New spell available at level 10.</P><P>Flametongue Totem: Moved to level 26. Damage reduced.</P><P>Flametongue: Damage increased.</P><P>Frost Resistance Totem: Moved to level 24. Resistance increased.</P><P>Frost Shock: Moved to level 20.</P><P>Frostbrand: Mana cost and damage increased.</P><P>Ghost Wolf: Moved to level 20. Mana cost increased.</P><P>Grace of Air Totem: New spell available at level 42.</P><P>Grounding Totem: New spell available at level 30.</P><P>Healing Wave: Mana cost and heal amount reduced.</P><P>Lesser Healing Wave: Mana cost and heal amount reduced.</P><P>Lightning Shock: Moved to level 30.</P><P>Magma Totem: Moved to level 28. Mana cost increased. Damage reduced.</P><P>Mana Font Totem: Moved to level 26.</P><P>Nature Resistance Totem: New spell available at level 30.</P><P>Poison Cleansing Totem: Moved to level 22.</P><P>Purge: Moved to level 12.</P><P>Rockbiter: Mana cost and damage increased.</P><P>Searing Totem: Damage increased.</P><P>Stoneclaw Totem: Hit points increased.</P><P>Tremor Totem: Moved to level 18.</P><P>Windfury Totem: Moved to level 32. Changed to a flat damage bonus. Mana cost and damage reduced.</P><P>Windfury: Changed to a flat damage bonus. Swings and damage increased.</P><P>Totems can now be cast while moving and will no longer interrupt combat.</P><P>The area of effect has increased for Strength of Earth, Stoneskin, Fire Resistance, Frost Resistance, Flametongue, Healing Stream, Mana Font, Disease Cleansing and Poison Cleansing totems.</P>
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-16 07:40:00 |只看该作者
Warlock:<P>Banish: Cooldown reduced to 20 minutes.</P><P>Corruption: Mana cost reduced. Deals damage more frequently.</P><P>Curse of Agony: Mana cost reduced.</P><P>Curse of Recklessness: Moved to level 14.</P><P>Curse of Tongues: Moved to level 26. Mana cost increased.</P><P>Demon Armor: Resistance increased.</P><P>Enslave Demon: Soul shard cost added. Periodic resistance chances. Maximum target level added. Slows the charmed creatures attack and casting speeds.</P><P>Eye of Kilrogg: Moved to level 32.</P><P>Siphon Mana: Moved to level 24.</P><P>Imp's Fire Shield: Damage reduced.</P><P>Voidwalker: Melee damage increased.</P><P>Voidwalker's Torment: Mana cost and potency increased.</P><P>Succubus: Melee damage and armor reduced.</P><P>Succubus' Lash of Pain: Mana cost and damage reduced.</P><P>Succubus' Soothing Kiss: Mana cost increased. Potency reduced.</P><P>Succubus' Seduction: Cost changed to a percentage of the Succubus' mana.</P><P>All curses are instant cast spells now.</P><P>Warlocks can now only summon players into their own instances.</P><P>
Warrior:</P><P>Charge: All ranks now include a short stun.</P><P>Cleave: Damage reduced.</P><P>Disarm: Will only work on targets that are carrying weapons. Changed to an instant ability.</P><P>Hamstring: Changed to an instant ability. Cooldown removed.</P><P>Inner Rage: Rage cost reduced. Replacements added.</P><P>Intimidating Shout: Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.</P><P>Overpower: Only activates after dodge now (not block and parry).</P><P>Punishing Blow: Rage cost and damage increased. Changed to an instant ability.</P><P>Rend: Damage reduced. Changed to an instant ability.</P><P>Revenge: Moved to level 14. Changed to flat damage with the damage reduced.</P><P>Shield Bash: Moved to level 12. Interrupt chance raised to 100%.</P><P>Shield Block: Moved to level 16.</P><P>Shout: No longer locks out other Shout abilities for five seconds.</P><P>Slam: New berserker stance added at level 30.</P><P>Sundering Strike: Changed to an instant ability.</P><P>Thunder Clap: Damage increased. Now deals nature damage instead of physical damage.</P><P>Quests:</P><P>New quests have been added for the following new areas: Feralas, Gnomeregan, Hinterlands, Tanaris and Uldaman.</P><P>The "Arugal Must Die" quest no longer has the perquisite that "Arugal's Folly" and "Prove Your Worth" quests be completed. The minimum level has been adjusted for this quest.</P><P>Additional Horde and Alliance level 16 and 20 Rogue quests are now available.</P><P>Blacksmithing quests have been added for both Horde and Alliance.</P><P>Many player submitted quest suggestions have been implemented.</P><P>NPCs/Creatures/Spawns:</P><P>The majority of all NPCs are now flagged for combat and can be attacked.</P><P>When attacked, pets belonging to creatures will now call their owners for help.</P><P>Some NPCs now serve multiple purposes like being a tradeskill instructor and a vendor.</P><P>The Witchwing Slayer will no longer try to execute players continually.</P><P>Elite creatures will now do less spell damage than before.</P><P>Creatures will now do increased damage with ranged weapons. When a player is at close range, creatures will be unable to continue using their ranged weapons.</P><P>The Myzrael encounter has been altered.</P><P>
Bugs:</P><P>Ghosts can now use the /stuck command.</P><P>Ghosts will no longer be able to see fishing bobbers.</P><P>Many bugs associated with quests have been fixed.</P><P>
Misc.:</P><P>Small pets are now in the game. Look for an NPC selling cats, rabbits, parrots and a variety of other ambient creatures.</P><P>Platemail is now available for Paladin and Warrior classes at level 40.</P><P>To strengthen the economy, many items have been set as Bind on Acquire or Bind on Equip.</P><P>Players will now have the ability to target summoned creatures and pets.</P><P>Creatures will no longer chase a player forever due to damage shields, such as Thorns.
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报



Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2004-6-17 05:20:00 |只看该作者
<P>翻译上面的</P>标准PvE服务器<P>玩家可以攻击几乎所有对立阵营的NPC,包括商人和任务提供者。如果玩家攻击对立阵营的NPC,对立阵营的玩家就可以选定并攻击该玩家。NPC被攻击时,与NPC相同阵营的玩家会收到一条系统信息,提示明确位置的城镇正被攻击。 <P>注意某些任务NPC可能并不总是存在的。如果这些NPC被杀死,玩家需要等待NPC的重生。 <P>标准PvE服务器中激活PvP的行为包括:攻击对立阵营的NPC;攻击正在攻击NPC的玩家;帮助PvP中的玩家。玩家还可以通过使用 /pvp 命令自行激活PvP。无论以何种方式激活PvP后,PvP状态将持续5分钟。 <P>将来所有标准服务器还将包括一种双方同意的PvP系统,称为战场[Battleground]。战场功能开放后,玩家可以攻击其他玩家,来保卫城镇不被侵袭。我们期望战场系统能在稍后的beta测试中实现。 <P>部落vs联盟战争服务器<P>部落与联盟种族战争服务器将为开发组提供直接的方式,在PvP环境中测试和平衡种族和职业。此种服务器的PvP规则将逐渐引入。也就是说初始开放的PvP不是魔兽世界正式发行时的最终形态。此次更新包括PvP的基本原则,以便对PvP模式的基础进行调整和完善。 <P>在部落与联盟种族战争服务器中,当玩家进入新的区域时,将会显示领土信息。区域名称包括附加的信息,提示玩家区域的领土状态。此外,缩微地图将以颜色区分谁控制该区域: <B>绿色</B> = 友好
<B>红色</B> = 敌人
<B>黄色</B> = 争夺中<P>玩家可根据位于的领土发动PvP战斗:玩家位于友好领土是安全的,除非决定与对立阵营玩家交战。 玩家位于敌对领土总是处于危险之中,可被属于该势力的任何玩家攻击。所有玩家都可在中立 (争夺中) 领土中被攻击。 </P><P>在部落与联盟种族战争服务器中,激活玩家PvP状态的行为包括:进入或位于敌对领土;进入或位于争夺中的领土;攻击对立阵营的NPC;攻击另一个玩家;帮助PvP中的玩家。玩家还可以通过使用 /pvp 命令自行激活PvP。无论以何种方式激活PvP后,PvP状态将持续5分钟。 </P>
爱上国米!!!爱上拉登!!! 你每购买100元日货,就会:   1.为日本厂家增加40元毛利收入;   2.为日本企业增加20元扩张资本;   3.送日本政府5元的税收收入;   4.给日本自慰队增加10颗子弹;   5.多印8页反华教科书. 抵制日货!!!!!

使用道具 举报

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